Example sentences of "not [adv] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kelly said : ‘ It 's not right that the end of year events are worth more than the early season classics just because the interest has got to be maintained to the finish . ’
2 On March 10 Boutros-Ghali had appealed to all UN member states for voluntary contributions to cover UNFICYP 's US$196,000,000 cost ; he had pointed out that it was not right that the force should be funded as at present by voluntary contributions from the eight personnel -contributing states [ see also p. 38873 ] .
3 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
4 It was not necessarily that the rich were more adroit at tax avoidance .
5 When conduct on the part of a government or some other public body is dubbed ‘ unconstitutional ’ , what is often meant is not necessarily that the law has been broken , but rather that the action is out of keeping with the style or , more broadly , the ‘ way of life ’ of a country …
6 In other words , it is not enough that a cell should be more or less active ; the change must be sufficiently unusual statistically for it to function as a code .
7 It is not enough that a man should say that something shall not be done by the plaintiff ; he must say that nothing shall . ’
8 It is not enough that a state is unlucky or incompetent in its economic , social or foreign policies — that jobs or food are scarce , or that it is at war with itself or with its neighbours .
9 The Lord President ( Cooper ) in IRC v Gordon 33 TC 226 at 230 stated that : … it is not enough that a person resident in the United Kingdom should somehow have derived benefit from the income of a foreign possession … the duty of the Court was to seek for an actual remittance to , and receipt in , the United Kingdom and not to be lead astray by an " equivalent " to a remittance or receipt , or a " constructive receipt " .
10 Is it not enough that the government has a monopoly on war ? ’
11 According to the court , it was not enough that the defendant deliberately did some act that had the effect , objectively assessed , of obstructing the police .
12 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
13 Accordingly , within s.3 it is not enough that the victim expects or requires the accused to pay .
14 It is not enough that the property should be intended to be used in a manner that may or may not involve this definite and particular manner ( Pwllbach Colliery Co Ltd v Woodman [ 1915 ] AC 634 ) .
15 ( m ) The question of reliance It is not enough that the seller knows of the particular purpose of the goods sold , the buyer must also have relied upon the credit-broker or seller 's skill and judgment at the date of the contract .
16 But the raison déacute ; etre behind this concession was not so that the bowlers could swing the ball more : it was to prevent one ball becoming so discoloured that the batsman could not see it easily under the light of day-night games !
17 The current situation could be interpreted this way : the additional depreciation is building up capital but not so that the sewers can be replaced without the need to borrow ; rather , that the smaller future borrowing requirement will recompense future generations for the unwillingness of pre-1974 ratepayers to share the burden of the capital cost of sewers .
18 It is not only that a significant part of most people 's pensions are invested in these falling Japanese shares but also that a significant part of Japan 's wealth is invested in the West .
19 In reply to a question of law for the opinion of the court , namely ‘ Was it necessary on the part of the appellants to prove as part of their case , not only that a nuisance was caused by the effluvium but also it was injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the district ? ’ he said , ‘ I answer that it was sufficient to prove that , the manufacture being one causing effluvium , such effluvium was a nuisance , injury or not ’ .
20 From the foregoing discussion it is obvious that , as things currently stand , any person attempting to recover damages from an insider will , under s.62 as amended , face enormous difficulties in proving not only that a breach of the relevant insider dealing rule has actually occurred , but also that he has suffered a loss as a result of it .
21 The upshot of this is that in this sense of " power " as of many like terms-it is at least arguable not only that a cause has a power to produce its effect , but also that an effect has a power to produce its cause .
22 Secondly , it also meant ‘ not only that no man [ was ] above the law , but ( what is a different thing ) that here every man , whatever be his rank or condition , [ was ] subject to the ordinary law of the realm and amenable to the jurisdiction of the ordinary tribunals ’ .
23 It is not only that no one on the planet has a bad word to say about Sybil : people trip over their superlatives .
24 One of the major difficulties with much of the literature on regional geography-both the ‘ traditional ’ and the so-called ‘ new ’ — is not only that no methodology is provided but also that the main differentiating characteristics of places are not identified .
25 It was not only that the industry needed propping up , but the whole film culture had to be rebuilt , and Forbes had clearly not grasped the scale of what needed to be done .
26 Even supposing that consciousness need not , or even can not , have its basis in material substance , it is possible not only that the same personal consciousness be associated with different immaterial Cartesian substances , but also that the same immaterial substance be associated , at different times , with different consciousnesses .
27 The London based Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) , in a recent report on the French construction market , points out not only that the number of British housing starts is only 60 per cent of the French level , but also that ‘ individuals are clients for 50 per cent of dwellings and construction companies for 25 per cent . ’
28 He claims not only that the parties to the original position will avoid choosing any particular perfectionist principle as a constituent of their doctrine of justice , but that they will not even accept a doctrine of justice including an agreed process for determining which perfectionist principle should be implemented in the state .
29 Furthermore it was discovered not only that the ratio of physician to population was substantially worse than for Israel or Jordan but that owing to insufficient funding and planning , 280 doctors were actually unemployed in the territories and another 120 were employed on low salaries under a local professional union 's absorption programme .
30 The film revealed not only that the practice was widespread in Africa , but occurred in Britain .
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