Example sentences of "not [adv] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was not entirely by chance that soon afterwards I found myself discussing historic family houses in central London with my 90-year-old friend Monsignor Gilbey .
2 The men and women in the national health service go into our hospitals and work exceedingly hard , not necessarily by choice , but because it is part of the work that they undertake to do .
3 If , then , it is the case that the Parliament of the United Kingdom is legislatively omnicompetent , it is not so by reason of logical necessity but by reason of authority and we must next examine sources of such authority .
4 Some employers became aware that the efficiency of the workforce could be increased not only by capital investment and technological improvement , but by ‘ increasing the efficiency of human capital ’ , i.e. by improving working conditions and providing welfare benefits for workers , so that they were both physically stronger and psychologically more secure and hence able to work harder .
5 Bus competition has been hampered not only by road congestion but upheaval in the road-passenger industry .
6 The costs are borne not only by society , but also by the firm .
7 This condition is characteristic of societies dominated not only by kinship but also by feudalism or slavery ; it is also characteristic of the peasant village .
8 There are large areas in which the normal agricultural yield is thoroughly adequate for the maintenance and accumulation of energy , a fact well shown not only by doubling of our population in the eighteenth century , but also by the evidence of energy to spare for the graces of life whether in the form of meteorological recording , tours to the Lake District , walnut furniture or epistolary accomplishment .
9 I was , of course , advised throughout not only by Home Office lawyers but also by Treasury Counsel .
10 A modern bird-watcher 's manual will distinguish varieties of finch not only by colour , size and other physical attributes , but also by psychological characteristics such as timidity and aggressiveness , as well as nest-building behaviour , feeding habits , sociability , seasonal and regional variation , and so on .
11 Some advocates of corporate social responsibility ( the term is deeply ambiguous , as will be seen in Chapter 9 ) maintain that companies should allow their decisions to be influenced not only by profit , but also by social policy factors .
12 It is a view held not only by expert bodies and individuals but also by a substantial proportion of the general public who are not necessarily able to explain why and how this process takes place .
13 It is caused not only by drought but also by high world food prices and use of land for cash-crop exports .
14 Women were defined not only by convention and religion but by ineffective birth control , fear of venereal disease , and by sexual ignorance , which not surprisingly , the physician and lecturer , Sir James Paget , found to be ‘ very common among well educated women ’ .
15 The third major point is that the reporting of the trials marks out the boundaries of ‘ acceptable ’ behaviour not only by gender , but also by class , race and age .
16 Educated in France , she was , as Napoleon III said , ‘ French at heart not only by upbringing but by the memory of the blood which her father shed in the service of the Empire ’ .
17 Marketing activities are conducted mainly across the external boundaries of the organizational system , and they are undertaken by managers of all kinds , not only by marketing specialists .
18 Language behaviour is influenced not only by personality but also by convention and culture .
19 We have recently shown that children with acute infection have an IgG and IgA response to a 57 kilodalton antigen referred to as Giardia heat shock antigen and this is likely to play an important role in host parasite interactions as its expression is modulated not only by heat shock but also by conditions in the gastrointestinal tract .
20 It is helped , it acknowledges , not only by research and development grants from the Israeli government , but also the current influx of brainpower from the former Soviet Union .
21 This right he can enforce not only by action , but also by a form of self-help known as distress , the seizure of any goods , whether belonging to the tenant or a stranger , which may be found on the premises .
22 Gioella had been irritated by her and , in revenge , had set out to make her feel like a schoolgirl — not only by action and word , but simply by being effortlessly in charge of everyone , with the possible exception of the Principe di Savognia .
23 The existence of this body of appellate decisions in social security matters has the obvious effect of contributing to consistency of decision making not only by adjudication officers in their initial decisions on claims , but also by SSATs .
24 This provides the College budget , which , based on the local detailed plan for course provision , is converted into resources , constrained not only by finance , but also by central directives about staffing levels and grades , the use of support services etc , and the way the support services are organised and controlled .
25 Failure of the chain links is called scission and it can be caused not only by strain but also by chemical means .
26 Replicators survive , not only by virtue of their own intrinsic properties , but by virtue of their consequences on the world .
27 The new permissive society differs from its Victorian predecessor not only by virtue of its sexual and moral freedom , but also because it is characterised by lack of agreement over questions of morality , and over the role of the state in the enforcement of morals .
28 He had won his position not only by strength in his prime , but also by level-headedness and a certain self-contained detachment , quite unlike the impulsive behaviour of most rabbits .
29 Contrary to popular belief , it was not merely by chance , or even more crudely , by a game of Russian Roulette , that our ancestors singled out the edible and medicinal plants from those that were poisonous .
30 According to a manuscript of that great diplomat for science , Francis Bacon ( 1561–1626 ) , the rise of experimental science was sanctioned not merely by religion , but by God Himself .
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