Example sentences of "not [adv] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 In the ensuing proceedings custody of Miss T. was granted to her mother , which is not altogether surprising as she was still very young and was a girl .
2 Not strikingly original as anthropological titles go , but it looked well with his name set out underneath it in italic capitals .
3 Any asset sale which is not commercially justifiable as being in the interests of the vendor as a whole will , on the face of it , be a breach of the duties of the directors of the vendor .
4 Therefore , the costs of each program as mentioned in the reviews is not entirely accurate as users may be able to add a few more files to the disk to fill it up .
5 These luxuriously equipped flying-boats took only nine hours to fly between Southampton and Funchal , but the service was not entirely dependable as flights had to be cancelled whenever the sea was too rough to land .
6 The precise reasons for this apparently surprising appointment are not entirely clear as there appears to be no detailed documentation , but it is almost certain the initiative came from Harold Shearman , then District Chairman .
7 Skills are acquired by a process of trial and error but the trials are not entirely random as is assumed in classical trial and error learning ( Thorndike , 191 1 ) .
8 The yard at the side had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron ; it was not entirely waterproof as buckets and other containers were dotted around the floor to catch the drips .
9 All In One Piece finds Mrs Large in another situation which is not entirely unfamiliar as she tries to get ready to go to Mr Large 's office dinner and dance .
10 These are not entirely satisfactory as they are simply crude adaptations of the basic forms in which a specification is substituted for references to bills of quantities .
11 Unfortunately , even with the practice of awarding half a star over the minimum grading the system is not entirely satisfactory as standards and even prices very enormously in each star grade .
12 Worthwhile marketing is n't a ‘ hit and run ’ activity but needs sustained effort , it 's not necessarily expensive as it 's more to do with attitude and ingenuity rather than resources .
13 A lack of isobars however was not necessarily good as it could indicate an area of high pressure , and in winter this usually meant fog .
14 And then , not much later as it seemed , there they were , father pushing the pram , a very happy little family .
15 The ride followed by Marian and Allen , although not so broad as the main Highway , was lighter because the trees that flanked it , being for the most part giant oaks , had quelled the subordinate vegetation and left airy vistas between their trunks .
16 Not so fantastic as you might think , ’ said Melissa .
17 not so tall as all that
18 All of which goes to show that masculine reason and logic are perhaps not so strong as you may have supposed .
19 One might think that clause 2 is insufficient : to believe that p is not so strong as to be certain that p , and to know one must be certain , not just believe .
20 If , in addition , I were accompanied by his fifteen soldiers I believed we should be too strong a party to invite attack , while not so strong as to alarm and provoke the tribes .
21 Maize pollen is not so resilient as its phytoliths , but New Mexico is drier than Panama , and pollen survives well there .
22 There was the contact with friendly adults , but not so close as to suggest to the children that their real parents were being supplanted — a common resentment in foster homes .
23 ‘ Children are not so serious as grown-ups and they love to laugh . ’
24 The potential anarchy and irresponsible policy deviation of this situation — where the local bullies and barons of federal funding set the agenda is not so apparent as might seem however .
25 The need for them is not so apparent as for the other S's , however for long term survival they all play a vital role .
26 I know it 's a lot to ask , but I 'm not so black as I once was , you know .
27 Though not so revolutionary as to require years of testing and modification ( and run the risk of ultimate rejection as in the case of the Advanced Passenger Train ) .
28 A sense of the incongruity of things is not so unimportant as some people think .
29 This conclusion is not so unsatisfactory as it might appear at first sight .
30 The ‘ teacher ’ was one of the younger army wives — not so classy as Mrs Goreng but not bad .
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