Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that in our judgment C.N.L. can not successfully bring themselves within the ratio of Peach v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [ 1986 ] Q.B .
2 Medical teachers in Britain may be divided into three main groups : a tiny minority who are trained in educational theory and methods ( who often are not medically qualified themselves ) , staff holding official ‘ teaching ’ appointments but without formal teacher training , and NHS doctors who teach ( in effect , most NHS doctors ) .
3 In other words , whilst appearing to criticize the antisemitism of Streicher and The Protocols , the author does not wholly distance himself from the traditions of antisemitism .
4 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
5 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
6 Her family is described as " infirm " , and this may explain why even with two of her daughters grown women in their twenties the family was able to earn little , although it may also reflect the fact that earning opportunities for women were so poor that even able-bodied spinsters could not wholly maintain themselves .
7 It is obviously difficult for a parent to help a child through a developmental hurdle which he has not properly encompassed himself , but parents and children can grow up together , or , as we might say , children can bring up their parents .
8 WFS did not publically declare itself to be affiliated to any independent grass roots campaigns who are actually working on the ground with ordinary people — for example , the Tottenham 3 Campaign , Birmingham 6 Campaign etc .
9 But the ancestral organs did not literally change themselves into the descendant organs , like swords being beaten into ploughshares .
10 ‘ I may have told Mrs Quatt that my position demands that I remain impartial , but one can not entirely prevent oneself from having human feelings and preferences ! ’
11 Even now she had not entirely recovered herself .
12 Nevertheless , the party could not entirely dissociate itself from the events which led to the formation of the National government , even if the chief villains , as far as it was concerned , were now in political opposition .
13 The life of the anchoress was hard but she did not necessarily give herself over to excessive penance .
14 That individuals prosecuted for sodomy did not necessarily identify themselves with the demonized sodomite of official discourse also lends credence to Foucault 's distinction between sodomy as a kind of behaviour , and homosexuality as a modern identity .
15 Most of their important critical texts , Edwards remarks , are theoretical , in that they prompt fundamental reflections about the basic nature of writing , even if , ‘ One notices about such writing that it does not necessarily offer itself as theory , that it is directed towards what we now call literature and not towards something else . ’
16 A new radicalism ( not necessarily calling itself soci list ) is needed , centred on democratic and international issues .
17 But by joining the ‘ Carry On ’ team he was not necessarily doing himself a great favour .
18 It 's not enough to enjoy yourself , you must make hay while the sun shines .
19 Well , well , well , Captain , I nearly did you a great injustice a minute or two ago , I thought you had not perhaps addressed yourself to the problem on hand .
20 At a time when no one else may seem to approve of them , and they may not much like themselves , it is of the utmost importance that teenagers should feel wanted and loved by their parents .
21 By taking certain needs to be universal , classical theory not only committed itself to a particular approach , but also defined its subject-matter .
22 Of great importance was the real incentive to [ Bunn ] not only to dis-embarrass himself of a thoroughly unsatisfactory debtor by getting a guarantee secured by a charge on a registered property , but also of producing a satisfactory answer to the awkward interest being shown by those at London Head Office .
23 In assessing realistically the nature and influence of social class , then , we must consider not only class itself , but class- consciousness .
24 ‘ London cows ’ , as Godwin observes , ‘ are , in many cases , kept in places where the poor brutes are not only destroyed themselves , but are made the cause of destruction to those living around .
25 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
26 Farr-Jones has not only proven himself to be the world 's leading scrum-half , but his captaincy over the past four years has grown in maturity and stature with each test and tour match .
27 Those sending e-mail messages might have to fill in communication protocols which not only identified themselves and the recipients of their message , but required the inclusion of indexing terms and a decision on archiving .
28 We should , however , appreciate the close relationship that existed between the philosophical beliefs and the political doctrine , which not only manifested itself in the convergence of interests with respect to social problems and class politics , but also provided the proposed reform in education ( and other attempts to ‘ educate ’ young workers , such as the club movement ) with a certain authority .
29 The party was ‘ not only telling itself , but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country ’ , he said .
30 Concluding , Mr Kinnock looked beyond the conference : ‘ It is an encouragement , an inspiration to see this party working together , coming to a joint position on objectives , and of not only telling itself , but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country . ’
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