Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One profession can not successfully isolate and combat infection .
2 If consent were not successfully produced and reproduced , this could ultimately affect the condition and prospects of the economic base , not least by making a great deal of difference to the likely success of the revolutionary struggle .
3 New patients should be discussed in detail , particularly if the therapist is not medically qualified and there is a possibility of the patient suffering from psychiatric disorder .
4 And following Bull 's press conference last week to announce its 1992 results , it was not altogether clear that its new chief executive Bernard Pache will be the man to lead the company out of the crisis .
5 This proved a privilege we did not altogether enjoy as , at that time , the road over Encumeada pass was only a very narrow shelf which fell away on our side of the road !
6 A frequent blemish upon an otherwise good answer is that the relevant rule of law is not expressly stated but is left to be implied from the candidate 's conclusion .
7 In fact what the members of the Committee wished to do was to alter the law , not expressly to encourage or legalise such practices , but to remove them , like adultery and other sins , from the realm of the law .
8 Presumably , too , A sets up the defence of necessity ; we are not expressly told that there was ( or that A thought there was ) no other way of saving the leader 's life , but this is a fair inference from the question .
9 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
10 I am not wholly retracting that , but as Martin Davies said in the speech to which I refer , when questioned about the relationship between NCC and SEAC and our traditional disease .
11 It will be better , perhaps , if she does not wholly know that the will is in question . ’
12 But it is not wholly clear that the problem has disappeared .
13 It is not wholly clear that the Act has the effect intended for it .
14 They will pay for licences to release substances they can not economically recycle or recover .
15 Information does not properly inform unless it is accurate .
16 The explanation for this appeared to be that a manager can not properly control and discipline subordinates if he is too close to them emotionally .
17 Adam & Co managing director James Laurenson disputes that KPMG 's recommendations were not properly implemented and says that the letter to shareholders was simply ‘ their first line of defence in case of litigation ’ .
18 United Buses and Darlington Transport Company both complained that they were not properly consulted before decisions were taken and said the proposed speed humps would make bus travel uncomfortable and could damage the vehicles .
19 Thus the company responsible for the hoist accident at Littlebrook Dee power station were not prosecuted for the fact that five men died , but for the fact that the machinery was not properly maintained or inspected .
20 What controls the distribution of these anhydrite cements is not properly understood and therefore their presence is difficult to predict .
21 Most of them did not escape from wartime secrecy and were not properly developed until the war was over .
22 On the other hand there is the danger of negative attitudes developing about the segregated units after initial enthusiasm , or if they are not properly planned or provided with the resources to provide a truly specialist service .
23 When Parliament in 1733 passed the Molasses Act which tried to help planters in the British West Indies by imposing prohibitive duties on New England 's imports of sugar , rum , and molasses from non-British colonies , the Act was not properly enforced and Americans came to speak of its having been ‘ nullified ’ .
24 And why was the medical possibility that the women who attended Bristol had more serious disease not properly investigated or put forward for media consumption ?
25 Charman complained if he felt gigs were not properly organised and quickly became frustrated .
26 It was perhaps part of his general attempt to calm her fears , but it is a potent indication that there was an underlying fear and she was not properly informed that no alternative was available .
27 I can not properly order that the children be returned to the care and control of the petitioner when the respondent has equal rights to the child .
28 ‘ Political Leaders ’ in the localities , and especially the Block and Cell Leaders ( that is , those who most directly came into contact with ordinary citizens and most plainly encountered popular feeling ) , were , the report stated , suffering from the fact that ‘ their work was not properly appreciated and acknowledged either by people 's comrades or by superior Party offices ’ .
29 Despite these encouraging results this technique was not widely adopted because it proved time consuming , generally insensitive , did not localise the neoplastic lesion , and was associated with false positive results .
30 The UK Parliament is certainly not widely regarded as being at all competent in the scrutiny which it exercises over public spending , and few people are under the illusion that it is difficult for government departments to deceive MPs and Select Committees about necessary levels of expenditure and unnecessary levels of waste .
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