Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Charles had almost certainly not witnessed his father 's effective deposition , but he now looked on while " faithful " bishops reclothed the emperor in his royal robes and rearmed him with his weapons .
2 Though Premier John Major has said he will not sack his chancellor before the Spring Budget its is very likely he will be forced to dismiss him soon after .
3 Recognizing that authoritarians did not phrase their bigotry in unqualified statements , Adorno et al .
4 Charlotte did not phrase her response as a rebuke , but it had much the same effect .
5 She came through the front door of the shop and was a little surprised at not seeing her husband behind the counter .
6 Nigel was paid for his work , but he hated not seeing his piece in print .
7 ‘ I missed not being able to put the stocking on the end of his bed like I always did , and not seeing his face when he woke up .
8 As it is , I think every hour that passes increases the risk of your not seeing your daughter again whether you pay the ransom or not , and that by paying you may well be signing her death warrant .
9 US opposition to the terms of the agreement , which imposed restrictions on the free movement of UN personnel in Iraq and obliged the use of Iraqi rather UN facilities , was reportedly neutralized after the UK and France indicated that they would not lend their support .
10 He has not forgiven his mother .
11 I do n't know , ’ replied Tess , who could not swallow her food .
12 Placing it on the fridge door may encourage mothers not to indulge their child .
13 Instead of threatening Cumani , the punter with the violent rather than lucky streak should be kicking himself for not biding his time before backing Shellac .
14 All the ruthless attempts to force her from this allegiance have not shaken her faith .
15 It was true that Naylor Massingham had apparently said to Travis 's mother that Travis was a big lad now , but Travis was hurting like the devil inside and was consequently not handling his unhappiness and loneliness in a very ‘ big lad ’ fashion .
16 He castigated the illustrator of Time Wasted Away for not bringing his work in line with that of Miss [ sic ] Vanessa Bell and , among other things , for depicting the sun as an eight-pointed starfish in the sky .
17 I am vain enough to want to look good , but not to style my hair and paint my toenails .
18 The Allies modified their strategy , as readers will see in chapter 11 , while the Germans — satisfied they had repulsed a possible invasion attempt — did not modify their posture defending major ports and paid the price in defeat at Normandy .
19 Well I think it 's an important issue , we need to sq we need to squeeze every , every pound out that we can if we 're not to if we 're not to affect our service level .
20 But even this has not stopped my love for canoeing as I have been out many times since and this summer , when I was at camp , I was going down a weir , when I got caught in a stopper at the bottom and nearly drowned myself again .
21 The gun 's threat had not stopped my advance .
22 The Monday evening they phone me up and said that I was to attend another meeting on Tuesday which I believe were the twenty second to which they said , We 've thought about it and we 've decided not to continue your employment .
23 We have to live in the present , not make our present in the past .
24 It 's supposed to save you time , erm , not make your life more difficult .
25 While chromatic notes more often than not make his harmony directional , they are never used to excess and always relate to the words .
26 For example , she was deeply opposed to opening in Manchester , as she did not think her type of customer lived there , but preferred to be associated with the older university towns or cathedral cities such as Bath or Edinburgh .
27 Pressing , as her distresses are , if I did not think her heart was rightly turned , I should be afraid of proposing such a measure , lest it should unsettle the sobriety of her mind , and , by exciting her vanity , indispose her for the laborious employments of her humble condition ; but it would be cruel to imagine that we can not mend her fortune without impairing her virtue .
28 Bernard refused her offer at first ; he did not think her English was fluent enough .
29 Sergt. Peter Woodhouse of the Liverpool Police … she told the police that she did not think her husband was carrying out a strictly honest business .
30 But he did not think her condition critical .
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