Example sentences of "not [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The glass not as addition to room , he wrote , but as subtraction from room .
2 Among other activities , building societies are now permitted to make and receive payments as agents , to advise on and arrange insurance , to administer pension schemes , supply estate agency services and to undertake conveyancing ( though not for persons to whom they are also offering a loan ) .
3 ( It is important to remember that the purpose of these records is for internal progress checking , not for circulation to Area Managers or whoever .
4 Country house visiting , which had been common in the eighteenth century and Regency when everyone liked to have their taste admired , became infrequent as even the greatest houses closed their gates to visitors , persuaded that the sanctities of ‘ home ’ were not for exhibition to the public eye .
5 This process is not of concern to archaeologists alone : the destruction of archaeological sites often coincides with the destruction of wildlife habitats and changes in the environment .
6 Whatever may be its points of similarity to , or difference from , other countries ' villages as social institutions , it has very special qualities of picturesqueness , not of course to be confused with quaintness .
7 Thus , the policy context , within which the redundancies took place and which older workers experienced in the labour market , often for the first time in twenty or more years , was one of unconcern if not of antagonism to their special needs .
8 But it seems to me that the wife might thereafter have offered to return and might have ceased to be in desertion , and that clause 2 would at that stage and in that event have been in operation : therefore it does not seem to me that it can be said that clause 2 was not of value to the husband .
9 Naturally many of these creatures are not of interest to the home fishkeeper , but even so , the scope is still pretty formidable with representatives from all the major invertebrate groups available for the aquarium .
10 The third group of parts covers several matters of importance to the insolvency practitioner , but not of interest to the businessman .
11 We can all still bring leather in from our friends in Australia but for reasons that I do n't wholly understand , this is very much dearer than the local er supplies available and for the time being it 's not of interest to the saddlery-makers in Walsall .
12 The attractions of the CA methodology in the study of code switching can be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The CA approach avoids premature theorising about what is or is not of interest to the analyst .
13 Invalidity would be the result of non-conformity to statutory purposes and not of non-conformity to the common law .
14 Not like Jordan to be self-critical .
15 The words were not like music to Doreen 's ears .
16 Robbins now draws more and more attention to the text itself , by indulging in a dialogue with his projected reader to celebrate reaching his hundredth chapter or by rejecting the claims of traditional literary decorum : ‘ happily , your author is not under contract to any of the muses who supply the reputable writers , and thus he has access to a considerable variety of sentences to spread and stretch from margin to margin … ’ ( 124 ) .
17 differentiate that , with respect to sine X but not with respect to X.
18 It is this declaration which symbolises the primacy of cohesiveness over stability , and it arose , one must recall , not in response to the avowed enemies of Socialism , but to a loyal leadership which demonstrated the will and ability to deal with society on society 's terms .
19 It was thus a political decision in the strictest sense , but it was taken , not in response to any kind of popular pressure , but in response to a narrowly but powerfully based pressure-group campaign in which those who stood to gain most from it financially , such as the makers of television sets , played a prominent role .
20 By the 1880s Blue Books almost always originated from the government and not in response to parliamentary demands .
21 These purchases or sales are not in response to changes in the PSBR or PSDR , and are best understood , therefore , in the context of an unchanged PSBR or PSDR .
22 The LTA are not in existence to be magazine publishers .
23 The intensity of the sound at any particular point on the sphere therefore decreases , not in proportion to the distance ( the radius ) but in proportion to the square of the distance from the sound source , as the wavefront advances and the sphere swells .
24 Britain is not in debt to the IMF , so the advice is entirely optional , but there are unpleasant echoes of the mid-1970s when Denis Healey had to borrow from the IMF to support the pound and was publicly forced to accept its advice to control the money supply and raise interest rates .
25 Damages are not normally available for this sort of misrepresentation , although the court does have a discretion to award damages instead of ( but not in addition to ) rescission — Misrepresentation Act 1967 , section 2(2) .
26 In the French LFAs , agriculture and nature conservation are not in conflict to any marked degree but in the UK uplands the conflict is severe and widespread .
27 In so far as fairness is used within the traditional adjudicative framework the balancing involved therein may be different in degree but not in kind to that which has always gone on within natural justice itself .
28 But the American press , used to seeing horses flat out from the start and going at it hammer and tongs , were not in tune to the subtleties of Piggott 's unleashing that burst , and the criticism started .
29 Not in tune to that one .
30 And then their moral and political convictions were engaged , not in contrast to the demands of convention , but just in deciding what these demands were , properly understood .
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