Example sentences of "this case [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Functional ’ because such institutions have to be seen as serving certain value objectives , in this case primarily the avoidance of war and mutual destruction .
2 The British view that membership of the EEC was in essence about trade persisted through the signing in 1986 of the Single European Act , though in this case even the main text that was agreed ranged rather wider than the limits that the British had set themselves .
3 In this case overfly the beacon by approximately 15 seconds .
4 In this case only the projections of the eccentric spots are visible .
5 However , in this case only the first reference to any descriptor appears in an index , while all further linkages are made from record to record ( rather as in a chain of synonyms in a direct file ) .
6 In fact in most of the experiments an infra-red filter was used and in this case only the tungsten source is relevant , as was explained earlier .
7 Well , I 'm very uneasy about the er , principle that some people are discussing of taking sides er , er , in the internal affairs of er other countries and in this case there the Soviet Union .
8 It was dim with the atmosphere of all old barns — straw , dust , and in this case too the sweet smell of stored apples .
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