Example sentences of "this would have been " in BNC.

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1 In any other house this would 've been normal , but in theirs it was eerie , unnatural .
2 If I had failed to get a place in a law school and had been forced to take something else as a second choice then this would have been acceptable .
3 The Church of England Newspaper said , unkindly , that the weakest part of the Lambeth Conference of 1958 was its report on the Bible ; and that this would have been an excellent report for a Lambeth Conference of 1858 not 1958 .
4 He has a deep religious conviction , which tends towards the ecumenical , and this would have been a perfect expression of his beliefs and also a personal and rewarding spiritual experience .
5 According to Walter Easey , the ALA police policy advisor , ‘ under Sir Kenneth Newman , this would have been quite impossible .
6 Roger Kelly is convinced that there are enough people to invest in the centre : ‘ Five years ago this would have been a pipe-dream , but with the rise of the ethical investment movement it 's become a real possibility .
7 This would have been unwise .
8 But this would have been a long and painful process .
9 Had she for instance dictated that the partner should offer resistance this would have been a relatively crude way of ‘ tightening ’ the structure compared with instructing the listener to be in a ‘ counsellor ’ role .
10 With the opening of the Channel Tunnel becoming a reality , and hopefully leading to a rise in rail traffic , one can not help thinking that had the magnificiently engineered GCR survived the troubled 1960's this would have been the chosen route for this traffic .
11 But this would have been difficult because of the problem of creating the ideal pre-birth environment .
12 I suppose all this would have been welcome in happier times .
13 By the time a Scots undertaker 's horseman and his widow were dead , ‘ the little they had was all gone ; ’ and this would have been typical enough .
14 There are many places which may have had galleries in the past , but without reliable references , Deeds , an old painting or some remains of original woodwork they have not been included , tempting though this would have been .
15 Had the Tuairisc model been adopted , there would have been no question of NICRA initiating demonstrations in Dungannon or Derry ; this would have been the responsibility of purely local groups .
16 It is a matter for speculation whether or not this would have been enough to cut the ground from underneath the feet of the DHAC , but in any case the situation had been radically transformed by the 5 October march and by the prorogation of Londonderry Corporation announced on 22 November 1968 by the O'Neill government .
17 From Stirling 's point of view this would have been quite satisfactory , but he smelt danger in the following proposals .
18 This would have been impossible unless we camped at the foot of Beinn Eibhinn , or had started from Loch Ossian at dawn , or were two gold medalist fell-runners .
19 In the normal course of events this would have been ‘ tidied up ’ — wiped out as part of the scheme and conveniently buried .
20 This would have been impossible with the yoke-harness , because as soon as the horse begins to pull with it the neck-strap presses on the animal 's windpipe and thus tends not only to restrict the flow of blood to its head , but also to suffocate it !
21 ( This would have been difficult as Simon was not dead . )
22 Agnes again stopped herself from yelling , ‘ How do I know ! ’ and she was about to say , ‘ You should have thought about this before , ’ but this would have been a stupid reply , for when that urge was tearing at your body and there was a way of getting rid of it , would one stop to think ?
23 If Philippe knew of — or even suspected — the existence of this story , this would have been adequate reason to abolish a powerful movement whose knowledge of it could give the descendants of the Merovingians excuse to usurp the throne , claiming direct lineage from Christ .
24 This would have been impossible without the link provided from postcoded data ( increasingly available from sources such as cancer registries ) to Ordnance Survey ( OS ) grid references .
25 This would have been delivered on Saturday evening by Mr. Bishop of Woodfords , the Downton bakers , who also made a delivery on Tuesdays .
26 Although he gives Rosa and Claude as his mentors , he seldom followed their rigid classical composition , indeed in his mountainous terrain this would have been very difficult .
27 In the old days this would have been all to the good .
28 Surely this would have been the ‘ logical ’ outcome if nature were so selfish ?
29 All this would have been done within two hours of receiving the order .
30 Two of the local clowns , Richard Clarke ( Mary 's son ) and Ian Cross , who had lived in Bellerby all their lives , said this would have been unthinkable at one time — when they were children everybody knew everybody else , and what went on .
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