Example sentences of "this [was/were] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was at a time when the rest of the world , following the American lead , was developing a clear preference for water-cooled designs .
2 Again at the minimum , £60 million of this accrued directly to central government through VAT and duty on petrol , liquor and cigarettes ( this was at a time when VAT was eight per cent , not the current fifteen per cent ) .
3 Overall these indicate that while the rate of victimization recorded in the annual surveys did increase in the 1970s and 1980s , this was at a substantially lower rate ( 1 per cent on average ) than the officially recorded crime-rate ( 3.5–5 per cent average annual increase ; cf.
4 This was at a time when prices were rising at 30–40 per cent per annum .
5 This was at a time when cylinders were only used for dictation purposes , not for recording music , and a speed of about 100 revolutions per minute was found adequate .
6 The most crucial test of this was at a standing stone at Kintraw , Argyll .
7 This was at a time when the work load was growing .
8 Detective Sergeant Roger Coe , who is heading the investigation , said : ‘ Someone must have seen something , this was at a very busy time of the day , right in the town centre .
9 This was at a time when there was a lot of unpleasantness shown to people with AIDS , ’ he said in an interview with The Mail on Sunday .
10 Only when unemployment rose , however , were policies of this kind put into practice and this was at a time when there were insufficient jobs .
11 This was at a time when the principle of vaccination had still not been universally accepted , although the Vaccination Act of 1840 had enabled the guardians to provide it for paupers .
12 This was at a time when the same gp160 product was being vigorously touted by MicroGeneSys as a prophylactic vaccine candidate ; a time when , as now , being able to mimic as closely as possible the natural viral antigens was held to be important for such a vaccine .
13 The SPD seemed to have compromised its principles in joining the ‘ Kiesebrandt ’ coalition and this was at a time of growing questioning of capitalist society by intellectuals , students and radical politicians .
14 In addition , this was at a time when Coenwulf , king of the Mercians , was also giving protection to opponents of Eardwulf .
15 This was at a time when the resistance of Japan was expected to continue for anything up to eighteen months later .
16 This was at a time when British opinion was becoming evenly divided over the pros and cons of seeking prominence on the global stage .
17 This was at the church just down the road from here ? ’
18 Turning to Europe , Mr Ridley said that the Government was pressing other EC countries to reduce their industrial subsidies , for this was at the heart of a genuine single market after 1992 .
19 Health authority staff , not unreasonably , felt that this was at the cost of forgoing routine casework support for a wide range of people ( horizontal efficiency ) and from their point of view , therefore , the developmental role of the CMHTs represented an unacceptable opportunity cost .
20 Coincidentally this was at the height of the News International affair , which undoubtedly provided a severe test for the Code and its guidelines .
21 This was at the time the government introduced conscription , when the travelling medical boards had instructions to discharge unfit men , to take the place of those called up .
22 It did launch a general economic survey in 1953 , but this was at the request of the Special Council of Ministers , itself responding to national government worries about a slump in demand .
23 This was at the limit of the effective range of canister but he could afford to wait no longer ; his men were so weak , their movements so sluggish that they would need every extra second if they were to re-load and fire another charge before the enemy reached the ramparts .
24 This was at the language school in Leningrad , with all the lessons in English .
25 This was at the Palace ? ’
26 And this was at the back of the head , only the central seam contaminated , and that only meagrely .
27 This was at the Apollo 17 site where a sample was chipped from a boulder several metres across .
28 In half ( 11 cases ) this was at the patients ' request because of poor function .
29 This was at the police station , was it ? ’
30 That 's a couple of well actually what it is the there was a hundred ninety and er then we had er she says but I want the hundred off you in February which was This was at the just bef just after Christmas .
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