Example sentences of "this [is] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 This is recorded as normal vision .
2 So while interest is received in the form of a capital value change , this is treated as income for tax purposes and not as capital gains .
3 Therefore , where the vendor and purchaser are both wholly owned subsidiaries of a third company and the vendor sells assets to the purchaser at an under value , it is suggested that to the extent the value conferred on the purchaser comes out of the vendor 's capital as opposed to distributable profits , then this is treated as an unlawful return of capital by the vendor to the third party holding company .
4 Where the skill of the transferor is so important and the materials used insignificant , this is treated as a contract for the supply of services .
5 At certain times , such as periods of festivity or spells of excessively cold weather , this is recognized as a problem .
6 This is displayed as a set of real time gauges which show disk capacity , compression ration and fragmentation levels , so you can spot any problems with your disk early .
7 Usually this is done as a weekend hobby .
8 If this is done as an exercise or in an educational context , this is fine .
9 Yes , this is done as a last resort .
10 Whether this is seen as a straightforward historical progression from polytheism to monotheism , or whether it is seen more as bringing out ideas implicit in the Jewish religion from the beginning , there is a clear case for identifying Judaism as a monotheistic religion despite its limited recognition of other gods .
11 In the current state of the British economy , this is seen as an important source of foreign currency .
12 This is seen as a greyish-white accumulation of material which grows and obstructs blood flow .
13 In line with the whole spirit of ERA , indicated earlier , this is seen as an incentive to schools to attract and retain pupils .
14 That this is seen as the market 's battlefield is demonstrated by the higher marketing profile of Church Charity and Local Authority Fund Managers Ltd ( CCLA ) .
15 This is seen as the great strength of the market order and an important condition for freedom : there is agreement on means but not ends , which makes it possible for society to reconcile the differing purposes of individuals within a catallaxy which is purely economic .
16 And can we expect states to allow non-coercive jural agencies to gather information in an effective manner when this involves the divulgence of state secrets , even if this is seen as the only way to secure confidence in , for instance , disarmament treaties ?
17 And if this is seen as intervention by the teacher , is not that happening in every classroom in the land ?
18 This is seen as a major factor contributing towards the marked increase in faunal diversity ( Valentine , 1973 ) .
19 This is seen as a natural process of democracy .
20 Set up at a cost of half a million pounds contributed by CLD and the consortium , this is seen as a long-term project to introduce CLD staff , clients and other interested parties to open systems .
21 In radiographs this is seen as a widening of more than 3 mm in the space between the anterior arch of C1 and the odontoid .
22 This is seen as a shade different from the enforcement of a sentence as such ; and there can be a practical difference where , as is often the case , the enforcing State keeps the confiscated property rather than than transmitting it to the State in which the order was made .
23 It also intends to set up city technical colleges funded by industry in an effort to increase parental choice , and this is seen as a way of reducing the power of the LEAs .
24 The Secretary for State for Education can not withhold permission to publish and this is seen as an important sign of the independence of HMI .
25 As with the shipping industry , this is seen as a conflict of interest .
26 This is seen as part of its policy to make citizens more self-reliant , and less prone to look to the state for financial and practical support when they are out of work , chronically sick , elderly and infirm and so on .
27 And this is seen as a matter of survival .
28 This is seen as the crucial factor in readability .
29 This is seen as the main advantage of marginal costing .
30 This is seen as the first sign that Soviet nuclear scientists , who are threatened by redundancy following the disintegration of the union , will seek to sell their skills to the highest bidders .
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