Example sentences of "this [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 One of Mr Thomas 's conditions , supported by Mrs Noble , was that Edward and Helen should not correspond when he left for Oxford , and they agreed to this for the first term .
2 This for the first time established boards representing employers and workers to fix minimum wages in the largely ununionized ‘ sweated ’ industries .
3 The Americans countered by accepting this for the first ten years , but adding an extra M per cent interest , bringing the annual figure to £40 million for the remaining fifty-two years .
4 Hazel and his companions had spent the night doing everything that came unnaturally to them , and this for the first time .
5 This for the first time drew explicit attention to the contradiction between the order EX 77268 of 17 May , the " Distone order " , that " Chetniks and dissident Jugoslavs " should be evacuated to Italy , and the agreement reached by 5 Corps that they should be handed over : " Ref F 77268 of 17 [ the Distone order ] .
6 Wycliffe did not prompt her but her mother , evidently hearing all this for the first time , had no such scruples .
7 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
8 Remember you 're going into this for the first time .
9 As therapists , we have over the years become suspicious of the adult patient who too openly and easily confesses incestuous experience , putting this as the first and foremost cause of all their problems .
10 Lotus views this as the first step in providing intergroup capabilities for applications like spreadsheets .
11 The therapist believes this problem is maintained independently of the client 's other problems and thus accepts this as the first goal for therapy .
12 Morant and Newman hoped gradually to develop a comprehensive free health service for children administered by local Medical Officers of Health , seeing this as the first step towards a free health service for all .
13 It is tempting to see this as the first occasion when the judges insisted on independence on this principle .
14 France , Germany and several other members , stressing its ( more active ) peacemaking potential , saw this as the first major concrete step towards developing the WEU as the " defence component of the European union " as outlined in the Maastricht treaty [ see p. 38658 ] .
15 ‘ The chairman has received many letters , as have I , from MPs and people in the local community who see this as the first need for the force . ’
16 ‘ The chairman has received many letters , as have I , from MPs and people in the local community who see this as the first need for the force . ’
17 Ben capped this with the first ascent of the roof right of Psycho .
18 Erm do , do the first one of this into the first one .
19 Janet Bond , 42 , hospital employee ( left ) : ‘ I remember all this from the first time round !
20 If they were smart enough to get bored , they would n't be doing a job like this in the first place .
21 Hybrid Tea bush types After attending to the basics or primary aspects — removing completely all dead , diseased and feeble wood ( you wo n't find much of this in the first year ) — seek to prune to outward-pointing buds that will grow out along the line of growth , not sideways , so that this growth leads to an open cup or shuttlecock shape .
22 It 's the Principle that got us started on all this in the first place , remember .
23 For clearly , if ever he trusted to this in the first place , he had come without any weapon . ’
24 Fran walked with him to the door , wishing that she had never agreed to this in the first place .
25 But the inter-relation of this to the first five public relations functions is sometimes overlooked by marketing departments in their desire to measure brand sales achievement directly to brand public relations tactical results .
26 I also spoke to the chief investigator of the Senate committee , who said that he had taken a large amount of information about this to the first secretary of the British Embassy in Washington , but the British government had hampered any further investigation .
27 Head teacher John Sweeney conducted this on the first evening , and Mr. Cark conducted on the second .
28 Just to be safe , turn off the electricity and remove the fuses for the downstairs lighting Circuit and the upstairs ring main while you do this on the first floor — these cables are under the floorboards .
29 Did you say we can change this on the first screen custody ?
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