Example sentences of "this [noun sg] still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The employment contract between the parties dealt with this eventuality by the continuance of such payments to the employee after he had ceased to be employed " provided that the agent 's entitlement to such commission will immediately cease if the agent enters into a contract of service or for services directly or indirectly with any limited company , mutual society , partnership or brokerage operation involved in the selling of insurance or would be in breach of any part of clause 9A hereof were this contract still subsisting " .
2 This formulation still allows it to be a justifiable ground for causing pain that it will promote a ‘ greater ’ pleasure , when no equivalent pleasure can be obtained otherwise .
3 Yet this formulation still has an implication which Bentham would not really have accepted .
4 It is said that this ghost still beats his eerie tattoo during times of war .
5 concerned this rule still stands and it has not expired .
6 This practice still occurs in places .
7 The remnants of this practice still exist in the form of the viva voce , where a student 's work is assessed by examiners .
8 After 10 years , this administration still fails to understand how government and markets complement each other .
9 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
10 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
11 This Act still forms the basis of legal immunities in trade disputes , though most of the relevant provisions have in fact been inserted by textual amendment by later legislation .
12 But this separation still continued in the cases to which the statute did not apply — e.g. if the trustee had active duties to perform , or if he was possessed , not of a freehold , but of chattels real or personal to another 's use .
13 In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries this attitude still held sway .
14 ( This machine still exists and is on show at the Museum of Flight , East Fortune . )
15 As , as Councillor would have said , and I would remind members of Council that I believe that the Chief Officers of this Council still have pay related to their performance and I am sure that all members , not least the controlling group , will take will take note of that .
16 After correcting for this imbalance by the direct standardisation method , the recurrence rate in the ursodeoxycholic acid treated patients ( 15% ) was only half that seen in the other two groups ( 30% ) although this difference still failed to reach statistical significance .
17 So far , so good , but finding a set of correlations of this sort still says nothing about whether they are necessarily part of the memory formation process unless I can find a way of showing that they are not simply the aftermath of the unpleasant experience of tasting the bitter bead ; that is , I must meet my own third , reductionist criterion .
18 The grand Victorian and Edwardian architecture of this period still gives the civic centre of Birmingham its character .
19 Again , the causes of this diversification still remain a mystery , although changes in the concentration of atmospheric oxygen , trophic resources , and ecological response , especially to predation , may have all played a part .
20 In the end , they priced the TSR 2 out of the market , though this outcome still lay in the clouded mists of the future .
21 This point still requires confirmation as a general phenomenon , but there is little doubt that polymer molecules are not totally frozen or immobile when in the glassy state and that small sub units in the chain can remain mechanically and dielectrically active below T g .
22 When other markers of electrical instability are used such as late potentials or programmed ventricular stimulation this relationship still holds .
23 If , as one can hope , this pottery still exists in the Verulamium Museum , it would provide a useful study of the types in use here at this period and the very quantity might offer the possibility of useful statistical analysis .
24 Now we had moved on to bigger and better things , this predictability still stood us in good stead .
25 The time of utterance in clock or calendar time does not seem relevant , but what certainly is relevant is that you should know whether this instruction still applies .
26 But this evidence still leaves a large gap to be filled between the early fifth century and St Cuthbert 's visit .
27 He maintained that he was thinking about gold and the strange fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men grappling with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
28 Daniel was that evening thinking about gold and the perverse fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men as they grapple with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
29 Some of this criticism still applies but what is perhaps more important is the alternative formulation that Stenhouse offered .
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