Example sentences of "this [conj] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Jose 's own words , ‘ eyebrows ’ may have been ‘ raised ’ , but I have seen no evidence to support the idea that this or other stories like it have by themselves led to demonstrations .
2 Beneath this an equally twinkling canopy overhung a pavement inlaid with tiles of lilies and acanthus leaves leading through swing-doors to a foyer rich in crimson carpet , mahogany , plump banquettes , frames of photographs of the cast in this or other productions , a Box Office within whose highly carved confines the Box Office manager or his assistant lurked like priests in the confessional receiving through the pinched grill the whispered wishes of communicants .
3 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
4 The most help in doing this that other packages give you are a set of guidelines that you have to position manually .
5 Thanks to what the Chinese call ‘ connectology ’ , however , some have found ways round this and other restrictions .
6 For this and other services to the BIE he was honoured with a Fellowship and was also the National President in 1977/78 .
7 Clearly a cohort analysis of this and other areas in southwest Cumbria is urgently required .
8 Making forecasts in this and other areas is the actuary 's stock-in-trade for the profession is essentially concerned with what may happen in the future rather than balancing the books of the past .
9 In fact , many organisations have reduced this and other functions to such an extent that they use consultants for a wide variety of activities whether it be for strategy advice , for marketing , production , organisation development , training or indeed executive search .
10 Thus archbishops , forging links with the Holy See , and numerous pilgrims , plied this and other routes between north and south , finding the road to Rome .
11 Measles is particularly sensitive to the nutritional status of the victim ; which helps explain its decline and also its marked social class gradient ; in 1931 mortality from measles in social class V was 20 times that of children in social class I. The fall in family size probably helped the decline of this and other childhood diseases ; fewer younger and vulnerable siblings would be infected at home by playground infections brought home by older children ( Gale 1959 ) .
12 Although you should have a clear idea of how you would expect and like candidates to reply to this and other questions do bear in mind that nervousness can have an effect on what people say .
13 ( For further discussion of this and other court cases , see Part III of this volume . )
14 By focusing on this and other problems that USCAR believes are well-suited to collaborative research , the administration would avoid disrupting current plans by Detroit .
15 The war presented the UN with other occasions for activity , quite apart from the content of this and other resolutions .
16 The Ashby Committee considered this and other evidence and eventually published their report , The Organisation and Finance of Adult Education in England and Wales , on 31 August 1954 .
17 The research will describe the nature of a selection of the strategy and policy initiatives ; set out the empirical evidence used in building the strategy ; assess this against other evidence which might have been used at the time and against current practices ; use this and other evidence to evaluate the effects of policy ; and comment on the main successes and failures of the strategy .
18 The test therefore , from this and other evidence can not be relied on completely .
19 Browning 's defence lawyer says this and other evidence could have been crucial if heard by the trial jury .
20 By all means let us find ways of limiting the use of cars , but in truth , is the real cause of our difficulties not the dramatic rise in numbers of people in this and other countries over the past 70 years ?
21 At a time when the world 's largest nuclear power is in the process of disintegration into separate republics , if not worse , and when 27,000 nuclear weapons exist there , the vast majority of which are capable of inflicting considerable damage on this and other countries , it would be lunacy for us to undermine our nuclear deterrent .
22 It will attempt to identify those policies which are likely to be most effective in this and other countries , and thereby to provide an input into technology and economic policy-making .
23 The official method of measuring the stock of real capital — buildings , plant and machinery — in this and other countries relies on the availability of capital expenditure data over a number of years and on the assumption of average lengths of life for the various types of asset .
24 there was an acute housing shortage , for virtually all classes of society , hence speculative house builders were in a unique position to take advantage of this and other conditions .
25 ‘ The only difference between this and other games is that we did n't put goals on the end of the performance .
26 During this and other actions in the area , the Commandos had lost many men , killed , wounded and missing .
27 FATHER Peter Wright and I — along with a number of other youth workers from this and other diocese — took up an invitation from Father Patrick Cope , chaplain to Deerbolt Young Offenders Institute , in Co .
28 The small party of Norwegians with each commando Troop acted as interpreters for this and other intelligence , leading to the Gestapo chief — a fat man in a dark suit — squealing his protest at capture within a quarter of an hour of the landing .
29 Association director Richard Insoll warned : ‘ The Wine and Spirit Association will be reviewing this and other instances of apparent abuse of authority by EHOs in order to give its members the best advice .
30 From this and other instances , Stafford Wright concludes that God has made ESP ‘ a part of animal existence ’ .
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