Example sentences of "this [conj] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It follows from this that even the Szekeres solution , which is everywhere at least C 2 , can be adapted by the inclusion of a suitable multiple of the term ( 10.20 ) to provide a solution without a curvature singularity in the interaction region .
2 Tillich concludes from this that even the most profound expression of compassion within Buddhism can not be compared with agape because it lacks the power to accept the unacceptable and the desire to change man and his society .
3 The corporate objectives of managers may often appear in conflict with this and hence the tension between the two groups .
4 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
5 This and also the danger which , as it seems to me , lurks in the encouragement of judicial excursions into the parliamentary preserve of legislative policy , may be illustrated by reference to two cases .
6 Fishman acknowledges the skill involved in this and indeed the necessity for someone to do it ; but she sees it as something women are coerced into .
7 And then er just work out the length of this and then the length of that and then subtract these two lengths .
8 And this was a wonderful old grocery shop , er plain wooden floors you know , no tiles or anything like that , just the wood floors and I can see the barrels of apples and the barrels of this and then the oranges and the all the groceries and the bags of flour and the bags of sugar and and the and the grocer weighing the sugar up and all this sort of thing .
9 The yeuk aha , the tabner was thing like this and you dig that into the neep , like this and then the you did that to take the shyes off
10 In any event , additional land has been identified since which not only covers this but also the scale of shortfall reflected in the SEELPI Reporter 's recommendations .
11 They were not , they were not dispensed with , well one could look back in seventy eight and say retrospectively how that process could have been started considerably earlier , er the honourable gentleman knows perfectly well that er as the Maastricht bill was winding its way through here it was n't really practical to run this but indeed the processes were started before the governing legislation was on the statute book and I quite understand why honourable gentlemen opposite wish to make their party points , particularly those particularly those who were not in the house in seventy eight which er does n't I think apply to the honourable gentleman from from Birmingham , when he knows perfectly well that the same kind of machinery is used now was used then and it was used as fairly and as honestly and as completely impartially as the time allowed .
12 The restrictions on newspaper advertising had no doubt contributed to this but perhaps the layout and phraseology of many of the Board 's own publications had made them unattractive to readers .
13 The world would remain unshaken over this but maybe the constable would have a gentle word with the unthinking reverser .
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