Example sentences of "this [be] where the " in BNC.

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2 This is where the ‘ wake-up-a-poet-or-a-madman ’ legend is properly located — it was Mrs Hemans , I think , who transposed it from Maen Du'r Arddu to Llyn Cau .
3 It was reflected in the expressions used by some members of the RUC ( ‘ OK , let's hit the streets and do it to them before they do it to us ’ , ‘ This is where the law stops and I take over , sucker ’ , the reference to probationary police as ‘ rookies ’ and to bullets as ‘ slugs ’ ) , their dress ( mirror sunglasses , blue jeans , and white T-shirt , sometimes with the Miami-Vice parallel reinforced by the words being printed on the T-shirt ) , and other ephemera ( the engraving of ‘ San Quentin' on the keys to the cells , jumping through the enquiry room window rather than using the door ) .
4 This means that we should pay special attention to The Origin , since this is where the matter is discussed extensively .
5 It would make around £35000 at auction and there is no doubt that this is where the best value can be had .
6 This is where the problems arise . ’
7 This is where the Department of Trade comes in — and indeed where there is a tenuous and innocent link with Cecil Parkinson and last week 's huffy statement from his lawyers .
8 This is where the solitary and delicate Alice , whose health was her predominant worry , decided to create her little demesne .
9 This is where the real debate is and where the Government have succeeded in taking the high ground .
10 In this case , it is not unusual for them to decide to get another dog to keep their first dog company , and this is where the problems can arise — especially if the second dog is younger , or of a more submissive character .
11 This is where the boxing writers ' grumble : they want to see you flatten your opponent , not display your moves .
12 This is where the special evangelical emphasis in the Party becomes interesting .
13 Dead bishops and local martyrs received public commemoration by the whole community : this is where the real , large family came solemnly alive .
14 This is where the Roman chant fitted in .
15 The profits contribution from the Famous Grouse brand held steady , but sales of new and mature whisky to other distillers for blending purposes fell , as the industry reduced supply in line with the fall in demand , and this is where the damage to profits took place .
16 Esme Green explained : ‘ This is where the bones of St Winifred were brought from Holywell , which is detailed in the first book , A Morbid Taste for Bones .
17 This is where the British omens for Mr Clinton seem worst .
18 This is where the forces of the earth are exposed with a dramatic clarity and where billion-year old rocks , deposited at a time when seas extended right across the valley give the stark harshness of the area a startling and a rare and sometimes unexpected beauty at different times of the day .
19 This is where the WIIC has a particularly crucial role .
20 This is where the concept of social needs gains over that or legal rights , since social services are regarded as social utilities to be used by all individuals and families as necessary ( Smith , 1980 ; Wharf , 1985 ) .
21 If a suntan is top of that list give it top marks — after all , this is where the Spanish sun comes for its holiday .
22 This is a ‘ leftover ’ from the P3 car from where this type of engine was fitted and this is where the temp gauge sender is sited on vehicles used for stationary running such as fire engines .
23 ‘ And this is where the baby farm comes in .
24 An important feature of a successful theory will be an ability to explain ( since this is where the habituation theory fell down ) why latent inhibition should be context-specific .
25 This is where the sculptor might be expected to remain close to the original , though even here a Roman preference can be detected for a certain shape , or for an angle that increases the sentimental value of the copy .
26 This is where the THEM comes in .
27 The temptation of the mediator is to be lazy , and this is where the mediator and Jesus part company .
28 This is where the bacteria come in .
29 One might imagine that this is where the real expertise is to be found , where the proprietor might be a famous retired climber scratching a meagre living from the sale of a few anoraks to fuel his or her continuing interest in the hills .
30 This is where the case departed from the spirit of Samuel .
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