Example sentences of "are like the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And all my Thoughts are like the Winter , sad !
2 The election posters that still litter our cities are like the documentary fragments of some remote and arcane historical dispute .
3 The units are like the fruit on the tree .
4 Fifteen and the thirty are like the A teams
5 Principles are like the moon that can be reflected in a thousand pools — if we choose to look in the right direction into a pool .
6 These words are like the click of a door shutting on the illusion of love .
7 He said ; The Hungarians are like the Russians they do n't like to use caged animals .
8 The best-known lepton is the electron , but as well as the neutrinos the lepton family also includes the muon and the tau , both of which are like the electron but are respectively 210 and 3500 times heavier .
9 You are like the Pharisees and the hypocrites ! ’
10 The digestive systems can be divided into the non-ruminants ( the zebra , which is like the horse ) and the ruminants ( wildebeest , topi , and gazelle , which are like the cow ) .
11 Yet they are like the cases which follow in that they do not directly ask the trustee to do anything , but none the less cause an obligation under trust to arise in him .
12 You are like the prisoner who is honourably circumspect but who gets turned in by an accomplice .
13 They were portrayed as somebody above us — and once it was seen they are not , everyone could see they are like the rest of us .
14 Solicitors handling debt collecting and documentation for credit control are like the rest of society .
15 We have several families who are of gipsy descent , whom we forget are gipsies because they are like the rest of us , but there are still gipsies who do not wish to live in houses .
16 However , the value of a field and its rate of change with time are like the position and velocity of a particle : the uncertainty principle implies that the more accurately one knows one of these quantities , the less accurately one can know the other .
17 Are racial double standards ( viz. , good/bad natives ) and double binds ( damned if you are different and damned if you are like the master race ) a function of this contradictory or dual relation to the Other ?
18 Whereas fast compound curves suggest smoke , silks and delicate , tenuous traceries drawn by a breeze , slow compound curves are like the muscles of a weight lifter — powerful , even ponderous and writhing when taken to extremes .
19 The winds around the Italian islands in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea are like the country 's drivers : unpredictable , given to sudden shifts , occasionally very noisy , but generally safe .
20 The stars , to me , are like pins and needles , are like the routemap of a nightmare .
21 We are like the sparks ; to grow , to be capable of greater joy we must go through and experience the suffering and the sorrow .
22 His prayers are like the noise you make to drown out an insupportable thought .
23 The arms say the light of day in a short sleeved dress and they are like the arms of a prize fighter .
24 While the medical care , in a technical sense , is generally excellent in the municipal hospitals , all of which are affiliated to major teaching centres to try to ensure high standards , these institutions are like the NHS only more so .
25 He says , the wicked are like the tossing sea , and you know , as far the bible is concerned , the wicked is not necessarily the man or the woman who does terrible deeds , the wicked is not necessarily who is , who is a murderer , or a child molesterer , or a thief or or or a wife beater or something like that , the wicked is the person who rejects God , who turns their back on God , who says thank you , I can go through my life without , I do n't need you , I do n't even believe you exist , and even if I do believe you exist I 'm gon na do things my way , I 'm gon na go through life as I choose .
26 And God says the wicked are like the tossing sea , for it can not be quiet , and it 's waters toss up refuse and mud .
27 A lot of our lyrics are like the David Lynch type of thing .
28 Each image is like a candle and it is for us to embroider our minds so that they are like the constellations of the heavens — Rumi 's harvest of stars .
29 If we do not ask these questions , can we be sure we have not abandoned the search at too early a point , so that we are like the police officer who judges too soon that the death in a detective story was a suicide and not a murder ?
30 These modules are like the data and suggestions provided for project work and are therefore incomplete .
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