Example sentences of "are of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Aisled barns are of the order of 9–15m ( 29–49ft ) wide ; a simple triangular truss could be made to span a building 10m ( 33ft ) wide , but most ‘ single-cell ’ barns were of the width defined above and would certainly not exceed 7.5m ( 24–1/2ft ) in width .
2 Since the radii of these cones are of the order of inter-atomic spacings — ie 1–2A/9 — the ions will penetrate only the outermost surface layers , making TOF-SARS extremely surface sensitive .
3 The frequencies lie within ranges which are of the order of one Cycle in 10 , 20 and 60 seconds .
4 ‘ But this is more than offset by growth in sales of products like fish oil and evening primrose oil , where sales increases are of the order of 20% . ’
5 However , his average price still increases by 18% in 1991 , while we have a very significant downturn for Italians , while the decreases are of the order of 10% , 18% and 35% for the Flemish , French and Italian drawings respectively .
6 They are of the order of mm , and each neuron may have 10 3 to 10 5 such synapses from other neurons on its dendrites and cell body .
7 The ranking produced by the NPV 30 per cent and the yield tables are the same since the rates found in the latter are of the order of the 30 per cent applied in the former .
8 The ranking produced by the NPV 30 per cent and the yield tables are the same since the rates found in the latter are of the order of the 30 per cent applied in the former .
9 During those 50 years ICI 's acrylic plastics have been used by thousands of customers for tens of thousands of applications and current sales worldwide are of the order of 60,000 tonnes a year .
10 Most of them are of the lancet type particularly associated with the commissioners ' buildings and many — for example , Christ Church , Meadow Lane , Leeds ( 1823–6 , demolished ) and Honley near Huddersfield ( 1842–3 ) — had thin arcade piers of cast iron ; but Chantrell was a serious student of Gothic .
11 The flaps on this aircraft model are of the single slotted type and the ailerons of the frise type .
12 But so far no one has determined whether they are of the type that produces the trichothecene toxins .
13 The LA has the power to revoke , suspend , curtail or prematurely terminate a licence if the holder has ( a ) broken any conditions attaching to his licence , or ( b ) been convicted of any offences which are of the type relevant to determination of the applicant 's fitness to hold a licence in the first place , or ( c ) been made bankrupt or gone into liquidation .
14 An appreciable proportion of practices in east London are of the type cited in the article .
15 But such explanations are of the kind that scientists call ‘ arm-waving ’ .
16 And many of the names are of the household variety — Jim McKeever , Phil Stuart , Hugh Francis Gribben , Sean O'Connell and the rest .
17 Your own death : If they are honest , most people are not so much afraid of being dead as they are of the way they arrive at that state .
18 There are details are of the way to do this in the National Certificate ‘ Guide to Procedures ’ and advice can be sought from my staff or from Field Officers . ’
19 From this it can readily be seen that only 56 institutions are of the size advocated in ‘ Better Schools ’ and yet this 19% caters for nearly half the student population whilst 148 sixth forms ( 52% of the total ) each with less than .
20 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
21 They are spurred by a marked sense of vocation : they are of the generation which grew up after the war when pollution came to be popularly identified as a serious problem needing urgent attention .
22 Perhaps the best illustrations available are of the man who fell into a steel tank which had contained radioactive waste .
23 That is , we have chosen two parishes in our particular town — and we can not be sure how typical the parishes or the town are of the rest of the country .
24 They are of the substance of dreams and of an intangible reality — hybrid ideas of the mind .
25 Historically , executive pension plans are of the money purchase type .
26 This book is about the transcendent worlds but some of the ideas of the philosophers of old are so noble and inspiring that the emotions they arouse are of the peak experience .
27 It can be seen from the table above that the most frequently occurring errors are of the substitution type .
28 The remains are of the apse and crypt of the historically well-known Romanesque Lombard church , and they stand incongruously between more modern structures .
29 Most are of the primrose type , the old double polyanthus are still difficult to find .
30 A petition to the King and Council , dated between 1297 and 1308 , stated that ‘ the men of Easingwold and Huby are of the king 's ancient demesne … in the forest of Galtres ’ .
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