Example sentences of "are [vb pp] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 for instance , the costs of travelling by rail or by car are refunded by Pilkingtons , Billiton and local authorities .
2 And so it came to pass that on Friday 24 April , at 11am our time , 94 ladies and gentleman of the British press are gathered at Stansted Airport inside a privately chartered plane whose previous occupants were Neil Kinnock and the Labour Party election campaign team .
3 The spacious rooms have large bay windows and cast-iron fireplaces with marble surrounds , and are furnished in Laura Ashley fabrics and antiques .
4 Thus , although Patterson has gellon for ‘ gallon ’ and care for ‘ car ’ , and although similar pronunciations are heard in Ulster rural dialects , our Belfast data show that the rule has receded in an orderly way through a series of environments .
5 Because of tightening central government controls on borrowing , the proportion of local authority capital income derived from borrowing fell sharply during the 1970s and 1980s ( from 83.7 per cent in 1974/5 to 48.4 per cent in 1984/5 ) ( all figures for England are calculated from Travers , 1986 , tables , App. 4 and 5 ) .
6 Effectively , then , the two distinctions , which undoubtedly exist within strong syllables , are neutralised in RP .
7 All these are policed by Gloucestershire 's royal protection squad — and the county 's tax payers contrubute a million pounds towards the bill , which comes out of the police budget .
8 There is no word-class corresponding to RP/ ? / , so that , for example , the two lexical items in the phrase good food are assigned in Belfast to the same rather than to different classes as in RP /g?d fu:d/ .
9 Depositors ' funds are placed with HM Treasury , authorised banks , local authorities and building societies in Great Britain ; Tyndall does not lend to other customers .
10 They predict that if no controls are placed on CFC and halon emissions there will be over 150 million extra cases of skin cancer in white US citizens born before 2075 .
11 When the principles which we have expounded in 1.3 are placed alongside Morris 's definition of pragmatics as ‘ the relations of signs to interpreters ’ ( 1938 : 6 ) , the connection becomes quite clear .
12 It is no accident that many slums were built on marshes : Mosside in Manchester , the Bogside in Londonderry , and much of the East End of London , where the suffix ‘ ey ’ to many of the place-names tell us that they were islands in Saxon times : Hackney , Stepney , and , most notorious of all , Bermondsey , where , in the 1850s , the river Neckinger , ‘ the colour of strong green tea ’ , flowed round Jacob 's Island , which was used by Dickens as a setting for Oliver Twist , and was described by him as ‘ the filthiest , the strangest , the most extraordinary of the many localities that are hidden in London ’ .
13 Comparisons with the other North Atlantic species are given under O. chelys .
14 A characteristic two pages of the text are given to Corot 's landscapes , five pictures being cited , though the reader is less fortunate than the lecture audience , as only two are illustrated .
15 A sequence of six lines with the same rhyme are given to Dame Sirith as , initially , she professes her conventional goodness and innocence to Wilekin : ( " I am a holy woman ; I know nothing of witchcraft but with almsgiving to good men I sustain my life each day , and offer my paternoster and my creed that God should help those in their need who help me my life to lead and should grant that all should go well with them … )
16 No equivalent figures are given for Cramlington because of the irrelevance of the information given for Cramlington before the late 1970s .
17 ( Of course , no utterances are safe from the post-Freudian trick of claiming that they mean the opposite of what they say , but in the interpretation of literary texts we must be given additional , fairly unequivocal evidence of a discrepancy between speech and meaning , as we are given for Iago , but not for Othello . )
18 One view of local budgeting is that officials are largely influenced by the advice they are given from Whitehall and that local councillors largely follow that lead , tempered only by party politics .
19 Examples of this sense are given from Addison and Pope .
20 Distances between hydrogen-bonding acceptor and donor atoms are given in A. Five carboxyl groups in this cluster are buried inside the protein .
21 Outlines of acoustic phonetics are given in O'Connor ( 1973 ) , chapter 3 , and Ladefoged ( 1982 ) , chapter 8 .
22 Apply by letter , with plan , to the regional office — a list of addresses and telephone numbers and a suggested pro forma letter are given in Bourne 's Handbook of Conveyancing Searches mentioned under British Coal searches above , and a list of authorities in Silverman , Searches and Enquiries .
23 A list of addresses and a suggested pro forma letter are given in Bourne 's Handbook of Conveyancing Searches and in Silverman 's Searches and Enquiries referred to under British Coal searches , above .
24 A list of addresses of rail offices and telephone numbers of British Rail offices and a suggested pro forma letter are given in Bourne 's Handbook of Conveyancing Searches and Silverman 's Searches and Enquiries referred to under British Coal searches , above .
25 The results are given in MRP 29 .
26 The results of a cored drilling programme are given in MRP 89 .
27 More details of these charts and how to complete them are given in ILO ( 1979 ) .
28 Thus in computers oriented to particular tasks , we can tailor the instruction set to the application area ; several examples are given in Husson ( 1970 , Chapter 3 ) .
29 — Burton Ponds includes Chingford Pond ; all map references are given in SxBR 1964 and 1975 .
30 Further details of the B1700 computer are given in Burroughs ( 1972 ) , Wilner ( 1972a , b ) , and Tanenbaum ( 1976 , pp. 204–11 ) .
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