Example sentences of "are [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to a senior British official : ‘ These are rather vague outline ideas , there are no detailed proposals .
2 Erm it 's a difficult balance , change is very rarely popular and quite often it 's only ever talked about but sometimes it happens and even then it 's not popular but a balanced and open mind is required to approach change but perhaps more important , and this is n't always mentioned , suggestions about change tend to come from rather specific areas and there are rather specific interest groups which may start the process of change
3 Measurement of h-parameters demands that the input terminals are effectively open circuit with respect to signals while the output terminals are effectively short circuited as far as signals are concerned .
4 Certainly there are commercially available recognition units which can be plugged into home computers but they are very unsophisticated .
5 He says there are vastly more vehicle miles travelled on the road system with 3 carrier bags of shopping in the back of a car than there is with 38 tons of shopping being delivered to the supermarket in a lorry .
6 Clay figurines are also made , but they are mostly styleless work ( as are some bronzes ) , toys or cheap offerings .
7 It has even been suggested that some coral reefs , which it will be recalled are mostly dead coral and debris , are being destroyed rather than built up : they could be relics of higher sea levels .
8 Some US congressmen believe that the Japanese are secretly developing test-tube fusion technology and that the US is already losing the race for the economic bonanza of all time .
9 ‘ You can not see it , you can not measure it by instrumentation , but there are incredibly powerful air currents up in the stratosphere which can move at anything up to 300 mph .
10 There are rarely early warning systems for other aspects of the organisation .
11 What is clear , however , is that monitoring is rarely a simple exercise , that the time-scales of the sponsors of monitoring and environmental research are rarely long term though most science is inevitably of this nature and that the increasingly multinational nature of such work necessitates a degree of management not always present in local or nationally based schemes .
12 For the second of the historical periods mentioned ( 1538–1801 ) the following books ( all available in paperback ) are most useful background texts : Sixteenth Century England by Joyce Youings ( London 1984 ) , English Society in the Seventeenth Century by Margaret Spufford ( 1985 ) , and English Society in the Eighteenth Century by Roy Porter ( London 1982 ) .
13 Comparing it with my friends who I 've worked with for years , who are most expensive sort of fair enough .
14 Tropical bats and other mammals , particularly primates , and also lizards , may take fleshy fruits from trees , and other mammals and reptiles may disperse fallen fruits , but birds are most important overall , and bird dispersal was probably critical in the advance of the angiosperms .
15 Even allowing for the fact that television programmes are necessarily selective choosing shocking cases to illustrate the point , and also allowing for the evident confusion with the programme caused by pre-1 April material combined with a post-1 April dialogue , some disturbing situations were illustrated .
16 Transport costs are much higher overall for this sector of education , but some LEAs spent over 1000 on transport per pupil whereas others spent under 200 .
17 Anything worth having in the South of France costs money , but some things are much better value than others .
18 ‘ Like a lot of things in the musical instrument industry , strings are much better value than they used to be .
19 In this regard , they are much better value as plants than such species roses as Rosa xanthina ‘ Canary Bird ’ and Rosa moyesii , both of which only flower for a couple of weeks during the early summer .
20 O. globifera can be distinguished from the other Atlantic species of Ophiomitrella by the shape of the disk granules which are much less rugose than those of O. clavigera .
21 Although rhyolite lavas do not occur in large volumes anywhere in the world , they are much more characteristic of destructive plate margins than constructive ones .
22 Ophiopristis differs from Ophioprium as follows the oral tentacle scales are not markedly different from the oral papillae — those of Ophioprium are much more elongate and slightly separated ; the tentacle pores are smaller and armed with 1–2 large tentacle scales whereas the pores in Ophioprium are open and armed with small thin tentacle scales .
23 The human eye and brain are much happier reading short to medium length unjustified lines although books are conventionally justified .
24 Crag and tail features occur throughout , but are especially frequent north of Harris .
25 They are especially strong T-cell mitogens and activate both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells ( whereas conventional antigens presented by class II MHC molecules activate only CD4+ T cells ) .
26 As a natural consequence of the participant observation method , some situations which are highly successful recording sessions can leave the observer feeling unhappy that they have found their way on to a permanent record .
27 ( , ) Scales — These are highly modified clothing hairs and are characteristic of all Lepidoptera and many Collembola : they are also present in some Thysanura , Coleoptera , Diptera and Hymenoptera .
28 These spores are highly resistant tot extremes of heat and humidity and are very long-lived .
29 It is , indeed , the case that groups that are highly segregated show high degrees of in-marriage .
30 The lowland plain and Allier valley to the north and south of Clermont-Ferrand are highly productive cereal ( especially maize ) , and vegetable growing areas , in places with livestock .
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