Example sentences of "are see [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is something we are seeing in increasing amounts , ’ she added .
2 And we are seeing in eighteen thirty a significant gap between on the one hand erm the western powers and on the other hand the east european or the central and eastern european powers .
3 According to Lipkin , during the development of colonic adenomas , several stages of abnormalities in cell kinetics are seen between normal and adenomatous crypts while maintaining a normal cellular morphology .
4 It is no accident that ‘ street furniture ’ and ‘ public art ’ are seen to best effect in a context which is entirely new — like London 's Broadgate office centre — or radically changed , such as the revived dockland areas in London , Liverpool , Cardiff and Swansea .
5 All the ugly sheds along the riverfront have been removed and the newly cleaned oatmeal brickwork and fish-scale roofs , complete with gilded dolphins , are seen to full advantage .
6 Intermediate values are seen for tawny owls and great grey owls ( 50–60 per cent ) , and high values for the owls that also showed greatest damage to the maxilla , the short-eared owl , spotted eagle owl and European eagle owl ( 80–90 per cent ) .
7 Raised levels of circulating lactoferrin are seen during active inflammatory disease .
8 And this is related , for example , to Daly 's scorn for ‘ tokenism ’ — for those women who participate in what are seen as patriarchal institutions .
9 In the 20th century , following two world wars , the great depression , a few instances of genocide , and the prospect of the total destruction of world civilisation , that is the logical conclusion of the 19th century views , existence and evolution are seen as cooperative ventures , a matter of peaceful progress , balance , reciprocity .
10 If lifetime employment and seniority wages are seen as key distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese labour market then it has to be recognized that they are far from universal features .
11 Many facilities that are seen as key characteristics of an exchange , such as standardised contracts , transparency , liquidity and screen-trading , all can and do exist in off-exchange markets , such as forex and Brent .
12 The US is surely keener to deal with the EC as a bloc and with those countries , like Germany , which are seen as key players within it .
13 The causes of poor organizational performance are seen as poor communications , bad supervisory practices , low levels of group satisfaction and cohesion .
14 Sport becomes relegated to the peripheries , whereas , for many black kids , it retains centrality — not because the other areas are seen as worse risks , but because they are seen as less accessible , they believe there are only a limited number of entrances to the upper reaches of the employment world .
15 Liberalism and nationalism are seen as two sides of the same coin .
16 Though neither NTV nor FRCN can be regarded as unqualified spokesmen for the Federal Government , the state radios are certainly partisan spokesmen for their respective state governments and are seen as such by their political opponents .
17 Experience tells me that attacks on pornography quickly become attacks on the whole of lesbian and gay culture because the two are seen as one and the same .
18 Regional fishing organisations to police catches are seen as one possible answer , although the existing North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation has failed to protect stocks from over-exploitation .
19 It concerns evil spirits which are seen as rebellious creatures of Yahweh , bent on wrecking his purposes but ultimately subject to his control .
20 Young male groups in primitive societies are seen as early proof of the formation of co-operative groups in which individuals learn to work in the interests of the wider group .
21 Organizations are seen as rational instruments for realizing explicit goals , with different parts that can be modified so as to increase efficiency ( Gouldner 1959 ) .
22 He refines his argument in the light of evidence that nowadays the demand curve for a company 's stock is extremely elastic : ‘ [ t ] hus even large purchases of stock will not necessarily have an immediate and noticeable effect on its price since other stocks are seen as perfect substitutes . ’
23 Much more problematic , in practical terms , is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques .
24 I had fewer than a hundred rounds for the gun which I kept solely as a deterrent for those remote places where cruising yachtsmen are seen as plump victims , ripe for pillaging , and the Webley offered me good protection for , though the gun was over seventy years old , it was massively built and frighteningly powerful .
25 There has been a tendency generally , but particularly in the years since 1979 , to disregard what are seen as private troubles ( family poverty , poor marital relationships , isolation ) and to consider primarily public issues , e.g. dependency of lone parents on welfare benefits , reception of children into care because of homelessness or family breakdown and juvenile crime .
26 Most policy is incremental in character , involving marginal adjustments to what has gone before , and is motivated to correct what are seen as undesirable consequences of previous policies .
27 They are seen as deaf ‘ camp-followers ’ .
28 These latter are seen as central aspects in the perception of beauty .
29 The balance between gaining and losing is by no means even ; many infrequent users of search are seen as prime poaching grounds , whereas companies constantly recruiting may not necessarily be losing people , but experiencing rapid growth .
30 Jews or Zionists are seen as prime movers in a plot to take over the world , by destroying nations and manipulating the minds of ordinary people .
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