Example sentences of "are not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Notes that you can consult are of great value , but much of the fundamental interpretation of your subjects must be based on an effective memory when notes are not to hand .
2 If materials are not to hand when they are needed , progress suffers and costs to the constructor increase .
3 But sometimes politicians have to be seen to respond to public concerns , if they are not to hand ammunition to their opponents .
4 On further thought it is soon evident that it is not as easy as that , because the same people are not at church every week , some come more than once on Sunday and will , therefore , be counted twice , and there is an attendance fluctuation depending on the state of the weather and the time of year !
5 But caution is necessary , for the homogeneity of kilocalories and gigajoules may hide qualitative and cultural aspects of the flows which as geographers we are not at liberty to ignore .
6 What you are not at liberty to do and what you will not do is storm around , losing your temper in my home .
7 The conditions must be appropriate from a planning point of view : the planning authority are not at liberty to use their powers for an ulterior object , however desirable that object may seem to them to be in the public interest .
8 It might sometimes harm the public interest to subject the government to rules designed to deal with cases in which the political responsibilities of government are not at issue .
9 If you are not at school or college , write after 1 June in the year preceding university entry to UCAS , PO Box 67 , Cheltenham , Glos GLSO 3SF , for a handbook and application form using the tear-off sheet at the end of this prospectus .
10 We can not in justice omit to mention the establishing of the Publick Botanick Garden at Chelsea by the Worshipful Company of the Apothecaries of London , not only for the instruction of such as should be employed in the compounding of medicines , in the particular simples therein used ( which alone is a very laudable design ) but also for introducing still a greater variety of trees and plants , which although their virtues or uses are not at present known , yet may hereinafter be found of excellent use for many purposes in life .
11 Employees who are not at present house-owners may be entitled to a mortgage allowance in certain exceptional circumstances .
12 It would begin to make industries accountable to consumers in a way that they patently are not at present ; the newly enfranchised shareholders would have the right to participate in elections to the board .
13 Whilst these are perhaps the most complex analyses that need to be performed , they are not at present really interactive design programs ; they are simply used for the analysis of a specified configuration .
14 Even if you are not at present a tenant of public landlord but you have a pressing need to move , your local authority might be prepared to nominate you .
15 Many users are not at present very demanding of a catalogue .
16 Will my hon. Friend ensure that , in areas of Devon and Cornwall where unemployment reaches levels as high as those in similar areas of Scotland and Wales , similar benefits under the Industrial Development Act 1982 will be available , as they are not at present ?
17 We feel sad when people we know are not at peace with one another .
18 There are also days when the rabbits are not at home .
19 Another writer objected to phrases like ‘ Mrs X and her husband are not at home ’ .
20 Could you tell us why you are not at work ? ’
21 In fact , it is better for both of you if the patient is looked after by several people rather than yourself alone , even if you are not at work and could be with him all day every day .
22 These criteria do not imply that other longer term influences are not at work and we would have to accept that some of these influences are historical , in that they are inherent to probable ‘ weak ’ parenting skills from John 's earliest life .
23 The only appropriate demands that we can make , as we have already remarked , is that we should be given clear examples where they are or are not at work , and that we should be shown how they interact with one another and with more complex factors in ways that lead to verifiable claims about data .
24 It is clear , however , that our two ‘ pincers ’ are not at par .
25 ‘ You are not at fault .
26 The " Big Book " of alcoholics Anonymous describes some unfortunate people as being " naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty " and says that " they are not at fault ; they seem to have been born that way " .
27 The preceding sentence , " They are not at fault ; they " seem to have been born that way " is itself an honest acceptance that addictive disease is stronger in some people than in others and that the acceptance of defeat and the wish " to go to any lengths " to get into recovery is ultimately a personal decision for each sufferer and not something that can be imposed by anyone else .
28 Although honey supplies could be affected if the infestatation spreads , people are not at risk , experts say .
29 Adequate insurance cover gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your business 's ability to continue trading has been preserved , and that the personal assets of directors are not at risk .
30 It will be hard on nurses , teachers and low-paid workers but at least their jobs are not at risk .
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