Example sentences of "are not [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 McCartney and Harrison claim that the quality of the recording is so poor they can not even decipher their own parts , and allege two tracks are not Beatles recordings .
2 It was , I think , common cause among all of us who were involved in the talks last year , and who , I hope , will be involved in the talks in the future , that they are not peace talks per se ; they are talks about a political settlement , not only in terms of Northern Ireland but in terms of the relations between Northern Ireland and the republic and between Great Britain and the republic .
3 Such a position , however , involves accepting that the appropriate units of analysis are not surface forms , but higher-level semantic and discourse elements .
4 The latest available figures — they are not Government figures because they will not publish theirs — show that in the south-east Government spending per head was £1,876 but it was only £1 , 707 in the north — 10 per cent .
5 The application of the law of tort ( which is , of course , part of private law ) to the police is a reflection of the fact that constitutionally police officers are not government officials but enjoy independence from the government of the day .
6 The parents are not church members , the child is not baptised but wants baptised , who makes the promises ?
7 The curved lines are not stress trajectories but are contours of stress concentration for stress at right angles and parallel to the plane of the crack .
8 It is a matter of pride to us that we can boast of several scholars , in the first rank , who are not university teachers .
9 They are not immigration officials .
10 ‘ We are not king makers but conciliators , ’ said Bill Packer , a Texas oil millionaire , whose discrete presence has been felt in many Amnerican campaigns .
11 As you are aware , these two institutions are not charity organisations ; their programmes are conditional on real progress being made on reform .
12 They point out that nursery rhymes are not nursery rhymes for nothing ; it could be that the genuine Turkish nursery rhyme is intrinsically more memorable than the nonsense rhyme ; nursery rhymes , after all , catch on in part because they have an innately pleasing rhythm .
13 However , most laws are dynamical equations containing space–time derivatives ( e.g. the rate of change of momentum ) which are not tensor quantities .
14 ‘ Parents expect schools to sort out a lot of problems which are not school problems , ’ says one .
15 It seems that most designers of fibreglass pools are not water gardeners , for the shelves are often narrow and curved making it difficult to accommodate a traditional square planting basket .
16 The firms listed in the Bill are not minority suppliers , because everyone in the United Kingdom is a consumer of at least one and probably several of the services covered by it .
17 The clear structure of the book — reading passages , exercises and Focus sections — means that teachers who are not computer experts will find the course easy to teach .
18 We ai n't going to have an organised workload , we are not computer operators , what we are is salesmen .
19 The biorhythms program is simple and easy to use for those who know the subject but are not computer boffins .
20 The biorhythms program is simple and easy to use for those who know the subject but are not computer boffins .
21 Despite their importance they are not household names as they do not deal with the general public .
22 The District Council considers that many of the object remaining objections are not greenbelt issues , although they have taken the opportunity as follows .
23 Are not adults figures of great power , who can help us grow or else destroy us ?
24 the ‘ G ’ and ‘ Y ’ are not part numbers .
25 Each public account makes a return to denial that much more difficult , validates other survivors , and challenges those of us who are not incest survivors to listen and understand .
26 Interestingly , this and all the additional ‘ power features ’ of 3.0 must be selected by the user , they are not default options when you install the package .
27 Even if they are not Mercury subscribers , indirectly-connected customers of Callink will be offered the same level of service as those who subscribe to Mercury .
28 ‘ We are not explosives experts , sir , ’ Talbot said .
29 And , finally , the machineheads are not Kluson copies , as you might expect , but tubby-buttoned Schaller copies .
30 One of the placards said ‘ McGown , we are not guinea pigs ’ and another called him ‘ Dr Poison ’ .
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