Example sentences of "are not [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 I want to emphasize that these shapes are not artists ' impressions .
2 These are not Gibson P90s , but the later and more refined P100s , which had the advantage of being stacked , humbucking and thus less noisy than the 90s , while still retaining their distinctive sound .
3 Sinful acts are not Bauthumley 's concern as such , but it is not difficult to see why The Light and Dark Sides of God was regarded as a dangerous work when it appeared to undermine Christian certainties : ‘ I have made God mutable as my self . ’
4 These are not Amnesty 's views , or my own , though I can see how such an interpretation can be inferred from our choice of quotation on the appeal envelope .
5 Many development professional and policy-makers hold deep-seated beliefs that women are not men 's equals , and that economies and societies are correctly organised to reflect this inequality .
6 Monique filed for divorce in 1974 and at the proceedings in October 1976 , she told the court that Rachid ‘ was a man who did not seem to have any control of his emotions ’ ; that he believed ‘ women are not men 's equals and that women are servants to men ’ .
7 ‘ She says they are not MacQuillan 's keys . ’
8 It is often said that unfettered insider dealing does not hurt shareholders ; that insiders ' profits are not outsiders ' losses , but rather evidence of a more efficient allocation of resources ; Just because an investor does not make as much money on the sale of his shares as he would otherwise have done , does not make him a victim in the true sense , as nothing has been stolen from him .
9 The general point here and I want to make is that er , these are n't officers ' promises these are the members ' promises and er , erm , we 've got to be careful that er when they 're all drawn together that we are n't making a hostage fortune , erm and so that I think it is very important members take aboard er what is suggested and test them themselves to see that they are realistic , I would also say that er as these promises are being considered by the various committees and I note a considerable variation in standards which will need to be addressed when the promises er , have come back to the Policy Committee , these are particularly in reference to the time required to respond to er , erm complaints etc , it 's no use having the Highways Committee wanting two weeks and incidentally on promise number two erm I think that er any up , somebody else 's point er straight forward wants to be deleted , erm the highways require two weeks to respond er , erm hearts and libraries want a , you know half a day , er and we 've got to get these er erm more or less synchronized I think , and whilst I 'm thinking Chairman on the last page er of the er favourite for , for first for agent authorities , but it does n't give any indication about the contact point and as most of our population live in the agent authorities that the er it needs to be expanded to give the contacts er points for the members of the public .
10 All I have been saying is the things which are n't Kathy 's
11 But they are n't Cropper 's or Blackadder 's or Lord Ash 's , either .
12 Well they are n't dynamo er a dynam a dynamo 's obsolete .
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