Example sentences of "are in the same " in BNC.

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1 All the units are in the same situation .
2 The relationship when manufacturing and retailing are in the same company never seems to be a healthy one and I think there are many examples of that .
3 They are simply cases of men accumulating several women who themselves are in the same situation as monogamous wives .
4 The puddings are in the same mould .
5 A reporter in New York learns from a friend , a gynaecologist , that after a certain date she has no more patients on her books ; others in her profession are in the same boat .
6 There is no telling how many borrowers and banks are in the same bind , but it is familiar to householders , who have found that they can neither keep up with their mortgages or sell their houses on terms which would not bankrupt them .
7 The cross members and bulkhead outriggers are in the same places and it fits straight on .
8 Danielle is a very happy and contented baby and I am a very happy and contented full time working mum — and as far as I 'm concerned that 's the best recommendation I can give to those of you who are in the same boat as I was of dreading re-entering the working world !
9 They are in the same ‘ Celtic ’ group as other lively , dark remnant breeds in Ireland ( Kerry ) , Switzerland ( Hérens ) , the Austrian Tyrol ( Tux , Zillertal ) and Sicily .
10 If you are younger , perhaps living alone after the death of an elderly parent , and you are in the same situation of having a large house or flat that is too much of a financial burden for you , then you must either sell or take in lodgers .
11 ‘ We are conscious , ’ John Page concluded , ‘ that our costs put quite a burden on some of you , and I believe we are going to have to look at that aspect of the ‘ level playing field ’ because we know you think this unfair as not all countries are in the same position .
12 ‘ They are in the same difficulty , ’ Loppe said .
13 Always the three statements are in the same order with the identical first part of the sentence .
14 These nosodes ( remedies prepared from abnormal bowel flora ) are in the same category as other nosodes such as variolinum , morbillinum , pertussin and diphtherinum which are prepared from smallpox , measles , whooping cough and diphtheria respectively .
15 Western Province are in the same boat , and rumour has it that the little general , Dawie Snyman , will replace Hannie Bekker this season .
16 There was a trinity within everyone , consisting of the three powers of the soul which corresponded to the three divine Persons : memory , understanding and will ; it enabled us to be , to know and to love what we are in the same way as God knows and loves himself .
17 Dennis Younger , chairman , said : ‘ Our aim is to provide a social platform so people can meet others who are in the same boat .
18 The two courts , which are in the same complex as the existing Victorian police station will still be used .
19 Version 5 however , is expected to include a facility to ‘ knit from the screen ’ , so if your computer and knitting machine are in the same room , you may find this more convenient than printing on to paper .
20 They are firstly , positional similarity , a relation referring to the degree to which matching characters in two strings are in the same position .
21 I hope that the BBC will make more effort in the future to bring more coverage of major tennis events , for example Grand Slams like the French Open , on the scale of coverage they had for Wimbledon because I am sure that there are many people who are in the same situation as me and would like more tennis on TV .
22 These are in the same condition as proper names .
23 They differ from connotative terms like ‘ metal ’ — and to this extent ‘ are in the same condition as proper names ’ — in that whereas to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this thing a ‘ metal ’ ? ’ the answer , ‘ Things of which it is true that their oxide dissolved in water yields an alkaline solution ’ can be given ; to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ ? ’ the only answer that can be given is , ‘ Sensations to which I have given the name ‘ a sensation of white ’ ’ , an answer that does not ‘ unfold the signification of this class of names ’ .
24 The point is that Carter USM are in the same position in America as they were in Britain two years ago , constantly gigging and doing pithy radio plugs to make their mark .
25 Of course , it 's always there , but the walls and towers appear to have moved when they were not being watched , or maybe they are in the same place , but the adventurers are n't seeing the same thing all the time .
26 I keep Koi in the main pond and goldfish in the other and like many fishkeepers ( whom I suspect are in the same situation as I ) I felt that I would be happier with some sort of quarantine/treatment facility for use when I purchase new fish .
27 Thus disputes between brothers and sisters ( who in a formal sense are in the same position in respect of their claims to a parent 's estate ) is one of the situations where serious conflicts do arise .
28 People who superficially are in the same position in a family — brothers and sisters , mother and fathers — are likely to define their responsibilities very differently and , perhaps more importantly , to be expected by others to define them differently .
29 Analyses of the distributions of individual stars in the bulge have all shown an asymmetry consistent with the bar found in the infrared continuum and all are in the same sense as indicated by the analysis of the balloon photometry ; the figure of the bar emerges clearly through the dusty murk of the galactic plane .
30 Now at least they are in the same boat , and the balancing of the pronouns in the last four lines declares their equality : I have quoted extensively from that sonnet in order to give the full context for this Our : what they have in common is that they have sinned , each has betrayed the other .
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