Example sentences of "are [adv] party [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In agreement with the Court of Appeal , I do not consider that the order in this case leaves room for the extension to persons who are not parties of the doctrine expounded in Attorney-General v. Times Newspapers Ltd. [ 1992 ] 1 A.C. 191 .
2 They do not become parties to the treaty but to the Protocol , while the treaty parties are not parties to the Protocol .
3 ‘ Decisions that resolve disputes between the parties to them , whether by litigation or some other adversarial dispute-resolving process , often have consequences which affect persons who are not parties to the dispute ; but the legal concept of natural justice has never been extended to give such persons as well as the parties themselves rights to be heard by the decision-making tribunal before the decision is reached .
4 In Cheall v. Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 180 , 190 , Lord Diplock said : ‘ Decisions that resolve disputes between the parties to them , whether by litigation or some other adversarial dispute-resolving process , often have consequences which affect persons who are not parties to the dispute ; but the legal concept of natural justice has never been extended to give such persons as well as the parties themselves rights to be heard by the decision-making tribunal before the decision is reached . ’
5 Note 62/3/2 in The Supreme Court Practice 1991 explains that rule 3(2) only applies to a right of a party to recover costs ‘ from any other party to the proceedings ’ and will not apply to the right of a mortgagee to retain costs out of a mortgaged property on redemption or to any other contractual right to costs out of a fund or from persons who are not parties to the proceedings .
6 I suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear intellectual distinction can be drawn between evidence that relates to those who are parties to a trial and those who are not parties to a trial .
7 But the angels of hell are not party to the councils of heaven .
8 This was not possible as BBA has some 325 member banks in all and most of these are not party to the agreement .
9 However , such an agreement should not prejudice other Network members who are not party to the ad hoc arrangement .
10 Note that the contract can not bind those who are not party to it .
11 Phillipon told reporters that Quebec and Nova Scotia are not party to the framework since they had broken ranks with a 1991 provinical agreement to disdain unilateral compensation by earlier this year unveiling vastly discrepant compensation programmes .
12 The human spirit is trundled on to reassure them that they are still party to the heroic , which cynical people might think has departed the suburbs some time ago .
13 Many Contracting States to the Hague Convention are also parties to the Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters of 1968 , and the latter contains provisions dealing with the inter-relationship of the two instruments .
14 Under certain circumstances an oral commitment can be binding upon a State , but how would this affect the States parties to the treaty who are also parties to the Vienna Convention ?
15 Over 150 states are now parties to these conventions — by far the highest number of states parties to any laws-of-war agreements .
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