Example sentences of "are [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The possibilities of choice are rather less in the most obviously vocationally oriented degrees , such as Architecture , Housing Studies and Nursing Studies , but some freedom of action is still possible .
2 For some organisations objectives are rather more like a woman shopping than a man shopping .
3 And some of the South American ones are rather more like opera , than National Anthems , erm , and of course , sometimes you come across er tunes , which are I suppose , Anthems .
4 ‘ Aliens ’ , I continued , ‘ are right here at this moment !
5 ‘ Rotherham are right up at the top of the table and they are there on merit .
6 Only when the opposition are right back on the defence or for free kicks .
7 ‘ I am sorry madam ’ he called out , over my shoulder , ‘ We are right out of cracked eggs today . ’
8 And people like me , who prefer to communicate with words while flinging on random bits of any ‘ look ’ that happens to fit and be cleanish at the same time , are right out in the cold .
9 Working with hydroquinone and other fairly simple soluble substances , I have grown long needle crystals or whiskers ( Chapter 4 ) which thicken by the growth of sleeve-like surface layers which are geometrically not unlike the growth layers in a tree .
10 Most of us are somewhere in between : we do n't physically attack people but we verbally assault them ; we stand by while others suffer — like the Parisian coffee-drinkers in the Champs-Elysees story ; we 're uncharitable , unhelpful , and often unnecessarily territorial .
11 Most of the fen drains for most of the time are somewhere in between these two extremes making the whole business a little undecided .
12 Sales are somewhere in between since although there is a structured sales department , individual salesmen operate much of the time on their own .
13 Complex communications are rarely completely without graphical support , and graphics are rarely used without any language at all .
14 Following the left bank of the river , you are rarely out of sight of the water .
15 We also consider that requests for assistance should come through the Deputy Director Operations as arranged and not be dealt with in a haphazard way between unit commanders who are presumably not in the full operational picture . ’
16 They are also the two categories of work where earnings are most frequently below the " poverty line " .
17 In music , the world 's top artists are most often with the world 's top record companies .
18 It is at the sentencing stage where formal strategies are most often to be found .
19 Harmonic lines are most commonly in two forms : ( 1 ) Parallels that may be straight , or curves of similar radius , concentric curves or mixtures of these .
20 It you are constantly down in the dumps over the price of fleecewear then this may be the answer to your prayers .
21 ‘ Sunday : Kids are suddenly back at school tomorrow and have to be labelled .
22 With the Tories elected for a fourth successive term , the politics of the opposition are obviously up for radical examination .
23 The Boston Compact was essentially about employability , ( although there were some initial allusions to community regeneration ) ; the two key funding UK government departments are obviously principally about the same thing .
24 The ones that led to death are obviously not with us .
25 As for the questions of how far responsibility is to be allocated between us and our tempters , how much temptation human beings can ‘ reasonably ’ be expected to stand — these are obviously not to be answered by mere mortals .
26 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
27 The Scottish Typographical Circular for instance rather specialized in joke articles over a woman 's signature which are obviously not by a woman at all .
28 They are much more at home with stimulation .
29 Those who succeed are much more in the image of representatives at the party conference than members of the old ‘ Establishment ’ .
30 In spurious Caledonian footie parlance , if The Cateran were a Willie Johnston sorta band — fiery , brilliant hot-heads with a tendency to put their foot in it — then The Joyriders are much more in the Alan Hansen mould : cool , confident on the ball and capable of supreme moments of inspiration .
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