Example sentences of "are [verb] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Existing ESA payments are calculated as compensation for not intensifying production .
2 Hamburgers and disco biscuits are undercover terms for the rave drug Ecstasy , while royalty is cocaine and poor quality drugs are dismissed as flea powder .
3 For example , many people would classify nuns as holy and sincere , while Hell 's Angels are dismissed as troublemakers , drug-takers and wild drunks .
4 These assertions , which would of course be very difficult to demonstrate in a literal or historical sense , are justified as part of Pareto 's general scheme of the equilibrium of social systems , which rests on a social-psychological basis : ‘ The principle of my sociology rests precisely upon separating logical from non-logical actions and in showing that in most men the second category is far larger than the former ’ .
5 If the terms and conditions are altered as part of Newco 's rationalisation of the business , employees may be entitled to resign and claim constructive dismissal .
6 The rates of interventions are given as percentages — that is , per 100 deliveries .
7 Sidonius Apollinaris ' lines et te Massiliensium per hortos sacri stipitis , Arbiter , colonum ( Carmen 23. 155–6 ) " You , Petronius , who in the gardens of Marseilles were the worshipper of the sacred tree-stock " are given as evidence for the Massaliote origins of Petronius .
8 Demonstrations of Prestel are given as part of the information skills courses and pupils have the opportunity to try out the system .
9 Twitchit 's actual substitutes , Rose and Beef , are given as substitutes for Dorning .
10 Now assume that age-specific birth rates are given as age 1 = 850 , age 2 = 715 , zero otherwise .
11 Results are given as means of six rats per group with standard errors .
12 Infants who were studied after unexplained sudden infant death were all born at term and their ages are given as weeks of postnatal life .
13 The results are given as Table 4 .
14 The full texts of eight relocation policies from named companies are given as examples of good practice in Appendix 1 .
15 Married women are treated as dependents by the income tax system , whatever their actual economic resources and social situation .
16 So , while the Western world has seen a major shift , for a variety of reasons , in preferred manager 's styles away from autocracy towards a belief in more participative , reduced dependency styles in which individuals are treated as adults and empowered to act , there are other parts of the world where this would be considered inappropriate because dominance and dependency are effective styles .
17 To the extent that income has been retained , payments out are treated as income .
18 The dead are treated as enemies , says Freud .
19 The significance of s13 is that matters of description are treated as conditions and not as innominate terms , although this would not have been the case in non-consumer sales had s15A(1) ( b ) of the Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 been implemented .
20 The acrylics are treated as watercolours .
21 Actions and objects are treated as signs that in certain situations form meaningful structures — myths .
22 As she probably knows , half of all patients are treated as emergency cases , half come from waiting lists .
23 Women will no longer accept that they are relegated to the kitchen or are treated as machines for the production of children .
24 However , attached lean-to garages are treated as home extensions , and must have full Building Regulations approval , especially as far as fire precautions are concerned .
25 ‘ It is sufficient to say that in Maskell v. Horner Lord Reading C.J. , referring to these authorities , and in particular to the advice given by Willes J. in Great Western Railway Co. v. Sutton — where that learned judge said that he had ‘ always understood that when a man pays more than he is bound to do by law for performance of a duty which the law says is owed to him for nothing , or for less than he has paid , there is a compulsion or concussion in respect of which he is entitled to recover the excess by condictio indebiti , or action for money had and received ’ — said that ‘ such claims made in this form of action are treated as matters of ordinary practice and beyond discussion . ’
26 The point is that the one exploitation is part of the other , either way women are treated as shit . ’
27 The amounts charged are treated as part of the net cash flow of the business and are available for use as transfers from fixed assets to current assets and possibly back again , in whatever way is most beneficial to the business .
28 The amounts charged are treated as part of the net cash flow of the business and are available for use as transfers from fixed assets to current assets and possibly back again , in whatever way is most beneficial to the business .
29 Secondly , paralinguistic features of the ‘ vocal effect ’ type are treated as part of intonation , and it is not made sufficiently clear how these are to be distinguished from prosodic features .
30 Certain persons who would not otherwise be customers are treated as customers for the purposes of the COB Rules .
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