Example sentences of "are [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 The enforcement of Amhara supremacy over other nationalities and the absence of a democratic machinery for instituting change are given as the main reasons why the Tigray People 's Liberation Front ( TPLF ) started an armed struggle in 1975 .
2 Practices such as witchcraft are treated as the outcome of structural features , filtered through the unconscious , and manifested in uncontrolled expressions of fear , guilt or frustration .
3 Thus the shareholders in the company are treated as the electorate , and the directors are regarded as the legislature .
4 In each node of the bottom layer , the inputs are treated as the address of a cell .
5 An alternative possibility is that these three versions of a word are treated as the same ( which would happen if the visual word-recognition system operates at a relatively abstract level ) .
6 The SFA requirements relating to notifications , consents or instructions to or from indirect customers who are treated as the firm 's customers ( see page 25 above ) , and customer agreements with them , can be discharged by reference to the intermediary ; this , however , does not apply where the intermediary acts for only one indirect customer .
7 Databases remain the number one concern for the second year running , whilst Unix standards are listed as the 8th most important issue , compared with their showing at 19th position last year .
8 Constipation is now recognized as the underlying cause of this disease — and fibre-depleted diets are recognized as the major cause of constipation .
9 Much of women 's rural work , such as caring for poultry , milking and craftwork within the home is not included , as men are registered as the family breadwinners , as farmers , and women as housewives .
10 Although it is from 1 to 3 km below sea level off Java , along most of the coast of Sumatra parts of it are exposed as the Mentawai and other islands ( Figs 3.9 and 3.14 ) .
11 The racists are redefined as the black racists and Mr Honey ford , dogged defender of freedom , is invited to Number 10 Downing Street for consultation .
12 This takes on an added significance when it is remembered that geriatrics and the terminally ill are regarded as the failures of the health service and are often consigned to the young and inexperienced who , as one doctor recently put it , ‘ do strive very officiously to keep people alive because they are interested scientifically and they want to use every method they can as part of their training ’ .
13 Biofuels and wind power are regarded as the most promising technologies , along with small scale hydro and tidal power .
14 The eastern diamondback and the western diamondback are regarded as the most dangerous snakes in North America and are responsible for a number of human fatalities every year .
15 Thus the shareholders in the company are treated as the electorate , and the directors are regarded as the legislature .
16 They find in Rousseau 's stress on the unity of society , and his dislike of factions or interest groups , a threat to the pluralism and tolerance of diversity which are regarded as the hallmarks of a liberal democracy .
17 They are regarded as the elite amongst the prostitutes .
18 In effect , parties are regarded as the midwives between the people and popular policies .
19 If competitors and circumstances are regarded as the " enemy " then It makes as much sense for a corporation to have alternative objectives as it does for a military commander .
20 The points A and B in the diagram represent the temperatures at which the largest crystallites disappear and are regarded as the respective melting temperatures T m for the samples .
21 Antinuclear antibodies with the homogeneous pattern ( ANA-H ) and smooth muscle antibodies with antiactin specificity ( SMA-AA ) are regarded as the serum markers of type-1 autoimmune chronic hepatitis .
22 Among these factors , a reduced basal tone and frequent episodes of inappropriate relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter are regarded as the most important .
23 Its new pesticide proposals are regarded as the strictest in the world : " organic " and " biodynamic " farmers are to be seen as pioneers pointing to new chemical-free techniques for the rest of the agricultural community .
24 Now , his songs are intended as the real thing , but widely assumed to be some sort of parody .
25 ‘ I scarcely know whether these remarks are intended as the mere superfluous assertion of an abstract right , or whether they are intended to imply a covert threat , that if the petitioners are dissatisfied with the answer to their application , they may resort to the extreme course of closing that useful place of veterinary education .
26 Households are depicted as the owners of all the factors of production whose services they sell to firms in exchange for income ( wages and salaries for labour services , interest and profits for capital services and rent for land services ) .
27 Tears are shed as the traditional homes and communities are left — where the peasants and their families had lived for hundreds of years — and they go to feed the machine .
28 Follow Me , which is also mainly a vehicle for language items , is different in that some sections are designed as the first introduction to a language item .
29 He argues ‘ though God exists totally outside of culture , while humans exist totally within culture , God chooses the cultural milieu in which humans are immersed as the arena for his interaction with people ’ ( Kraft 1979:114 ) .
30 Such studies exemplify the kind of fetishism to which material culture studies are always prone , when people are superseded as the subject of investigation by objects , and become essentially labels for their movement or pattern .
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