Example sentences of "are [verb] in this " in BNC.

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1 Figure 3.5 clearly shows the improvement in performance obtained when scores are calculated in this manner .
2 We do not do this , perhaps because of the spelling , but it is important to remember that the contrasts between and , between and and between and are neutralised in this context .
3 To reduce overheads when making security copies only headword lemmas are placed in this table .
4 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
5 The view taken here is that one can produce quite easily a catechism of doom , supported with prodigious rates of soil loss over millions of hectares ( and some examples are given in this book ) .
6 Details of our concerts are given in this leafelet .
7 Erm and the de the details for for the P G O are given in this re-employment leaflet which is in the information pack .
8 We are the only country anywhere , east or west , where lesbians and gay men are criminalised in this way .
9 In large measure , these differences are due to the criticisms of the Aristotelian scheme made by some of those who are treated in this book , and in its companion , The Rationalists .
10 However , it is not only the ‘ moral ’ as opposed to ‘ natural ’ qualities that are treated in this way .
11 This case raises concerns about the accuracy of audit data when patients are treated in this way .
12 Kin are those with whom we adopt the special style of informal communication which is adopted towards members of the immediate domestic family who are treated in this specially favoured way even when they do not live all together in one household .
13 Drive resources available to the workstation are listed in this window .
14 The statement before us on the Labour Party and the trade union links sets aside various recommendations on how we are going to cast our block vote at this year 's Labour Party Conference on this issue the options open to us are listed in this paper and I 'd like to make the following observations .
15 As the majority of vehicles are propelled in this manner , this point speaks for itself .
16 The Liberal Democrats are implicated in this question too , since they are as far away from their ‘ breakthrough ’ as Labour is from office .
17 It is clear that power relations and territorial rights ( personal and otherwise ) are implicated in this process .
18 Now are you seeing the increase that the national statistics are suggesting in this area ?
19 The effects of allowing or inhibiting entry are examined in this section first by investigating the plausibility of completely free entry , then by seeing whether firms can adopt policies to guard against entry .
20 Four common methods of generating the open-loop velocity profile are examined in this Section .
21 The themes which are highlighted in this paper follow the same order as the full text of the Lineamenta , and are covered under the headings of the three main parts .
22 These and other fundamental issues specific to Black woman are highlighted in this research .
23 The same stack is excited at the beginning and end of the sequence and if the stator and rotor teeth are aligned in this stack the rotor must have moved one tooth pitch .
24 It is these methods and techniques that are explained in this book .
25 Other words such as tacking , beating , heaving to are explained in this way .
26 This is the lowest point of the local workings in the area and they are drained in this manner .
27 If such passions are aroused in this Chamber today , there must be real concern about what will happen when it is discussed throughout the country .
28 Quite rightly , they place much emphasis on the importance of introducing genuine market relations in Yugoslavia ; and increasing numbers of them are including in this the right to establish competing private enterprises and self-managed enterprises in which the workers own shares .
29 " No wonder the poor rates increase when people are situated in this manner .
30 I have to tell you that you must also fulfil the other obligations you have to your people if you are to remain in this kingdom .
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