Example sentences of "a [not/n't] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was painful , beautiful and obscure , a not uncommon state of affairs when the creator also directs , gives a running commentary on the action and writes himself into the story at the end .
2 Like Jubert , and in contrast to Campana , Captain Augustin Cochin of the 146th Regiment sat on the Mort Homme — from April 9th to April 14th — without once seeing a German infantryman ; a not uncommon experience at Verdun .
3 In short , then , while one is able to adduce specific reasons for the creation of certain of the joint muderris/muftiliks , it is important to recognize that these offices were a not uncommon feature of the Ottoman learned profession in the sixteenth century and that the sheer momentum of established practice may count for as much in assessing the reasons for their creation as what appear to be locally important considerations in each individual case .
4 The walls were normally constructed of Kentish ragstone , with or without tile bonding courses , or more rarely of brick ; some , though , were constructed with clay , a not uncommon feature in the south-east of Britain .
5 Such members can quite easily be made in curved shapes and a not uncommon obstruction on the roads of England is a lorry carrying vast timber arches for some architectural project .
6 Last amongst these devices for the protection of interests in registered land , is the restriction on the powers of registered proprietors to deal with their land ; for example , that partnership property shall not be disposed of after the death of one of the partners without the consent of his or her personal representatives ; or that no disposition is to be registered without the consent of the proprietor of a registered charge ( this last one a not uncommon precaution of building societies ) .
7 It was a not uncommon combination in a certain breed of Englishman and Englishwoman — a breed perhaps now vanished , which is not to say , improved upon .
8 Now she began to feel truly depressed , a not uncommon symptom when some social event blithely planned in a moment of cheerfulness becomes threateningly imminent .
9 The town also boasts , in its main street , a remarkable seventeenth-century mansion , the Freuler Mansion or Palace as it is locally known , built for a local man who acquired riches in the service of the French crown as a colonel of mercenaries ( a not uncommon employment for the Swiss in those days ) .
10 He could not identify the Fairy Topic , either , and this gave him a not uncommon sensation of his own huge ignorance , a grey mist , in which floated or could be discerned odd glimpses of solid objects , odd bits of glitter of domes or shadows of roofs in the gloom .
11 Kate feels put upon , a not uncommon sensation .
12 Talk of the 17th prompted the comment in the 1913 suggestion book as to whether the 2nd hole might not become the 17th and the 3rd hole the 2nd , a not uncommon suggestion today .
13 A not uncommon solution to the feeling that the conventional family stunts the individuality of its members is for people to elect to live on their own .
14 A waitress told me of such an incident when she heard a rumour that her hotel management had appointed private detectives with the power to search staff homes — a not uncommon fear among hotel workers and one paralleling similar periodic fears in other occupations of this type .
15 This rod-shaped bacterium is a not uncommon cause of an offensive vaginal discharge in women .
16 Flavia spent a not uncompanionable quarter hour with him talking mast ratio and tonnage .
17 This is , of course , a not surprising by-product of some forms of mental illness and some women , despite this , might still argue that they were needed at home .
18 I was always described as the heretic at school , a designation which was theologically accurate enough and did n't particularly disturb me ; it seemed a not unkind acknowledgement of whatever distances I carried with me .
19 His university refused him a not lofty post in the faculty of divinity .
20 The undulating East Anglian landscape stretched towards a not distant horizon .
21 Our case studies [ see Chapter 7 ] have shown that these might make up a not unimportant share of the temporary labour force .
22 Part of that rally — and I am immodest enough to think a not unimportant part — was to enlist the services of my partner John Montgomerie ( Monty ) and myself to assist in preparing their answer to the consultative document .
23 Taken as a whole the Turneys formed a not unimportant family of landed peasants and yeomen all living in the neighbourhood of Leighton Buzzard .
24 Doubtless many social and economic forces have contributed to this trend ; but there is good reason to believe that our attitudes to child-rearing play a not insignificant part .
25 In fact the nature and direction of child abuse research may itself be a not insignificant part of the problem of deciding what to do .
26 It may well be true , therefore , that there were two rules in Rylands v. Fletcher , the fairly closely defined formulation of Blackburn J. and the more flexible one stated by Lord Cairns , but the effect of the subsequent case law is to add the non-natural use requirement to Blackburn J. 's formulation , a development which has played a not insignificant part in the restriction of this form of strict liability .
27 It would undoubtedly be of great benefit to future scholars working in this field if the College were to create a central repository of classified material on a sector of education of which it is , after all , a not insignificant part .
28 The ‘ working class ’ collectivity is , in a sense , centred on manual industrial labour , at least for the adult male members of working class families , although ( a ) by no means all people who consider themselves working class are employed in that sphere and ( b ) a not insignificant minority of people employed in that sphere do not consider themselves working class .
29 Most running lines used by Railfreight are shared with at least one other sector , though there is a not insignificant mileage which exists purely for the benefit of freight .
30 A not insignificant dent in our trade deficit , and a loss to the Inland Revenue .
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