Example sentences of "a [num] [no cls] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am running a 1986 V8 County 90 which at 25,000 miles has no more than normal backlash in the transmission line , yet a most irritating noise has developed which can only be described as a clunk that occurs whenever I apply or lift off the throttle in any gear .
2 On Saturday we had an option of staying in camp and being lazy , reading or whatever , or paddling across the lake and climbing a 2 ½ mile mountain where we could climb a Ranger tower to see a magnificent view of the entire area .
3 He was later transferred to Middlesbrough General , where he underwent a 2 7hour operation to insert a tube into his windpipe .
4 ‘ If you are prepared to make payment within twenty-eight days , then I am willing to offer a 2 ½%; discount . ’
5 FALLEN tycoon Alan Bond was freed from a 2 1/2-year jail sentence yesterday to await a retrial on dishonesty charges .
6 In vitro kinase assays were performed in a 30 µl reaction which contained the following ; 10 µg HeLa nuclear extract ( 28 ) or 200 ng of purified DNA-PK ( a gift from C.Anderson ) , 250 ng substrate protein , 25 mM Hepes pH 7.5 , 12.5 mM MgCl 2 , 20% glycerol , 0.1% NP-40 , 100 mM KCl , 50 µM ATP ( containing 10 µCi [ γ 32 P ] ATP ; 6000 Ci/mmol ) and 1 mM DTT. 200 ng of linearised DNA template was added to the appropriate reaction as indicated in the text .
7 The final volume of the template depends on the volume of the PCR reaction e.g. PCR products from a 30 µl reaction are dissolved in 10 µl H 2 O and PCR products from a 50 µl reaction are dissolved in 30-50 µl H 2 O.
8 The decay of the transient absorption was monitored over a few hundred microseconds , following a 30 ns photolysis flash [ 25 ] .
9 For example , the Leidsebuurt district of Haarlem has received comprehensive treatment as a 30 km/h zone ( Figure 4.11 ) , with a concentration on the creation of raised plateaux in the roadway ( speed tables ) spectacularly patterned with black and white paviours ( Figures 4.12–4.15 ) .
10 However , the Road Traffic Act of 1982/3 did not allow for Zone signs to be introduced even on a temporary basis , so it was necessary for an information sign to be erected at every junction , showing not only a 30 km/h speed limit , but also drawing the driver 's attention to the changed priority ( right before left ) .
11 With either of these two methods , the pipe can either be mortared in place ( using a 2:1 sand:cement mix ) or fitted with a special adaptor to seal the joint .
12 US authorities adopted a 45–50 mg/litre standard as a precautionary measure .
13 For specific amplification ( a and b ) , a 10 µl reaction mixture consisting of 1.0 ng of template , 1.5 mM MgCl 2 , 200 µM of each dNTP , 50 mM KCl , 10 mM Tris-HCl , pH 8.5 , 6.4 pmoles of each primer and 0.8 units of Taq DNA polymerase ( Cenbiot RS , Brazil ) was submitted to the following temperature profile : 95°C for 3 mins for denaturation followed by 25 cycles of 51°C for 1 min for annealing , 72°C for 3 mins for extension and 92°C for 1 min for denaturation .
14 Figure 2 clearly shows that a phenomenon of adaptive cytoprotection occurred in animsl fed the oleic diet at the various levels of acid injury tested , since pretreatment with a 100 µmol pulse of HCl induced a significant shift of the curve to the right ( p<0.01 ) .
15 Histamine was given in doses of 1 , 5 , and 10 mgkg - 1 day - in a 100 µl injection directly into the site of the grafted tissue .
16 Free solution Capillary Electrophoresis ( CE ) with a UV detector ( Prime Vision , system IV , Europhor , France ) was developed using a 100 µm capillary , 60 cm in length ( 45 cm to the detector ) and TBE buffer ( 89 mM Tris , 89 mM boric acid , 2 mM EDTA , pH 8.3 ) .
17 After Lewin , 19 , received a 7 1/2-year sentence , another woman screamed : ‘ We will be waiting for you . ’
18 It was n't really big , there was about thirty of us , about a dozen er waggon repairers and er and er a apprentices .
19 It just seems incredible that after a 90 nm flight with some 10 time checks , known and secret , plus 25 observation targets , one Pole had a total penalty score equivalent to a two second error .
20 Features of the new Constitution included the expansion of the National Assembly from 99 to 108 members , to be equally divided between Christians and Moslems ( thereby abolishing the existing system based on a 6:5 Christian:Moslem ratio ) .
21 Of the 99 deputies elected in 1972 , only 67 remained in the current Assembly , which was based on a 6:5 Christian:Moslem ratio ( although Christians were in a minority within the population as a whole ) .
22 Our canoes were loaded on the trailer and we were in the van and on our way by 7.30am for a 5 ½ hour drive to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway .
23 As a result , in the Mössbauer transition a 57 Fe* source emits 14.4 keV photons with a fractional linewidth of only 10 -12 .
24 As for mainframes , the only one Siemens Nixdorf actually has installed in the UK is a 7.000 BS2000 Model H120-R — the Police National Computer .
25 Kim was a 4 ½ year old tyrant queen !
26 Following recent tests with a 176 km/h train , however , the engineers have agree that the speed through bends can be increased to 6 degrees of track tilt — or ‘ cant deficiency ’ , in the railways ' jargon .
27 Amplification was performed as described elsewhere but with a 25 µl reaction volume with 5 µl of sample added .
28 In brief , a 25 µl urine sample was added to 250 µl of rabbit antiserum to human albumin ( Dakopatts , DK-2600 ) in buffer .
29 Katy was a 3 ½ year old girl with petit mal epilepsy and suspected mild mental handicap .
30 ‘ The Protons were basically a punk rock band , ’ Lenny explains , as the ‘ Weed luxuriate in the compact and bijou confines of the third support band 's dressing facilities at the London Astoria , ‘ and these two guys were doing a '60s R&B thing .
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