Example sentences of "a [noun sg] only [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A payment only qualifies under Gift Aid if it is a ‘ gift ’ .
2 DEEP , deep down , on a level only recognised by hints and murmurs , an inchoate , undefined sense of oneness , of coterminous identity is growing among some of the peoples and some of the places of the Pacific .
3 The jurisdiction to quash a decision only exists when there has in fact been an error of law .
4 The protest floated at the back of her numbed mind : how could she have the heart to deal such a blow only to satisfy her own thirst for scandal ?
5 A computer only understands numbers , In order to deal with characters , each character is assigned a code number .
6 A retailer only makes a profit if he sells goods — and if customers think products are too expensive , they will go elsewhere .
7 However , this is something to watch for because , unless sorted , this kind of problem on a guitar only gets worse .
8 Outside a car revved up its engine as it changed up a gear only to screech to a halt at the corner and roar off again .
9 Even after the Chirac privatisation , France 's state sector today represents 12% of the economy , a figure only exceeded by Italy , Greece and Portugal .
10 He added if independent nurseries were included in the statistics more than half of three and four-year-olds now attended school , a figure only bettered in Europe by France and Belgium .
11 Perhaps the greatest achievement of this approach was the prediction by Young and by Helmholtz ( in Mollon 1982 ) , in the nineteenth century , of the existence of three classes of colour-sensitive receptor in the retina , each sensitive to a different wavelength of light , a prediction only confirmed by direct measurement in the last thirty years ( Mollon 1982 ) .
12 In a business where fees are usually paid on a success only , rather than an hourly , basis , this may come a bit hard to people who have worked hard for two or three months on a deal only to see it fall at the last hurdle .
13 Because it is an interlocutory judgement it is usually heard before a master of the High Court , and a defendant only has to show a good arguable case for the plaintiff 's application to fail .
14 It was realised ( admittedly in connection with problems over legal aid payments , rather than dissolution of partnerships ) that difficulty might ensue where a solicitor continued to practise after applying for a renewal only to have his application eventually rejected .
15 One group received a low-cost health promotion package , a second only received questionnaires and the control group was monitored through their medical insurance claims .
16 As a way of dealing with a crisis this seemed repugnant — a bit like a child only turning to his parents when he or she wants something .
17 If you do not , you may move into a home only to find , three months later , that the road outside your flat is being widened into a motorway , or an uninterrupted view over woodlands is to be rudely interrupted by the erection of a new housing estate .
18 ‘ Hand In Glove ’ contained a determination only defeated by the writer 's impending sense of doom .
19 She got off the bus at the next stop , and went back to the building , pushing the children in a collapsible pushchair , which had a propensity only to collapse when occupied .
20 There are early mentions of the Portadown district in Latin documents about Papal taxation in 1296 and 1302 where the references are to Plebs Varren ( or , more familiarly , Ballyoran ) and the name ‘ Ballywarren al' Portadowne ’ is in the Ulster Inquisitions of 1609 but Portadown as a village only came into existence at the Plantation of Ulster .
21 But for a can only mean that a " right " ( which perhaps already became a legal " cause " or " case " ) has " vanished " , sc .
22 It seems a great idea and it 's a shame only to have one of them .
23 This peculiar outburst was entirely in character for de Gaulle , who could be serenely optimistic in the heat of a crisis only to become sceptical and disillusioned , even depressed , when the crisis was over .
24 If a business only exceeds the threshold for arrivals of goods and not despatches , then SSDs are only completed for arrivals ; similarly , if the threshold is only breached for goods despatched , then SSDs only need to be completed for despatches .
25 Firstly , the file organization is more robust , as the accidental overwriting of a record only affects that record itself and not other members of a chain .
26 He was to sire ten UK champions , a record only equalled by the Elsden 's other great stud dog , Ch.
27 No employer will willingly train a craftsman only to see him go down the road to work for another employer who has invested nothing in training .
28 Conversely , many players get caught up with the fashionable aspect and spend ages learning how to , say , play slap impressively , then get a gig with a band only to find that there is n't a context where it can be used .
29 For the majority of us , the ‘ Swinging Sixties ’ is a decade only experienced through our history textbooks , or our parents ' all too frequent reminiscences .
30 In effect , therefore , the collectorship of supply became a gauge of party strength in a county , and unlike the parliamentary elections , the election of a friend only provided security for a single year .
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