Example sentences of "a [noun sg] point [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the north of the island , a lookout point with breathtaking views across to Graciosa Island , reputed to be the real Treasure Island .
2 He 'd been directing traffic at a census point in Weedon , Northamptonshire .
3 To ask for more can be counter-productive ; management may later be able to make a bargaining point of the fact that Newco has sought only those warranties that are required to satisfy the investors .
4 I found your ideas to be very helpful , from a teaching point of view , and I am sure that players will find them particularly beneficial for the development of control and co-ordination .
5 However , it is likely to be preferable to limit the range of choices facing the teacher at any moment and to group them in a natural way from a teaching point of view .
6 To check for the sensitivity of the results , we have estimated the model with a change point at the end of 1st ( Model 1 ) , 2nd ( Model 2 ) and 3rd ( Model 3 ) quarters .
7 From a user point of view , the model stays the same whether the storage structures are held on magnetic tape , disk or main storage .
8 From a wave point of view this is easily understood .
9 This is a form that we asked you to complete and send down , and some people have done it , and some people hadn't. so should get er , a bonus point for that .
10 Do I get a bonus point for getting everyone under the south east ?
11 That 's a bonus point to mother .
12 She defeated Miss Minoprio by 7 and 6 , with her overall poise no doubt earning her a bonus point from England 's selectors .
13 There were witnesses to that , so he might as well earn a bonus point by mentioning it first .
14 The trip was educational from a golfing point of view .
15 From a hygiene point of view it 's it must be a little ancient by now .
16 The work is varied : the main objective being to act as a liaison point for our Moscow office .
17 As it passes over a toll point in the road ( essentially a wire loop buried in the surface ) a radio beam from the loop will interrogate the number plate and feed back the vehicle number to a central computer .
18 The Conservative Party was thus preserved intact , and the fact that it was able to provide a rallying point for the middle and lower middle classes was arguably one of the main bulwarks against political extremism in the 1920s and 1930s .
19 Dada was to be a rallying point for abstract energies and a lasting slingshot for the great international artistic movements ’ .
20 The last of those three comments was , it is true , written almost fifteen years ago , long before the more than ‘ adequate ’ gay images of My Beautiful Laundrette or Law of Desire or Torch Song Trilogy , but I think the general point stands : before we stampede to dispense with ‘ identity ’ , let us consider whether it still has its uses as a rallying point for political action .
21 There was virtually no Polish middle class to act as a rallying point for the upper and lower classes , to act as a focus of opposition to Prussian policies .
22 The principal objective of the campaign is to encourage walking by the promotion of demonstration pedestrian priority projects , which would act as models of good practice and thus provide guidance to local authorities and , metaphorically , a rallying point for pedestrians .
23 Ironically , the autarkic model foisted by Stalin on his charges in the 1940s to maintain their isolation from one another and their dependency upon him had , by the 1960s , become something of a rallying point for regimes who in no other sphere enjoyed any tangible measure of independence .
24 Given these premises , then , and Moffat 's distaste notwithstanding that it would imply ‘ democracies reduced resort monarchy as weapon against Communism ’ , one wonders what else , apart from outright rejection , the US might have done when the French turned towards ex-Emperor Bao Dai : at least as a rallying point for non-communist Vietnamese nationalists and , of course , as someone who might be expected to be more amenable to French influence than Ho Chi Minh .
25 But in 1900 Plekhanov 's group , augmented by Lenin and Martov , set up Iskra , an émigré journal designed as a rallying point for like-minded Social Democrats .
26 This point can be more clearly illustrated by considering the prolonged controversy surrounding the effects of modern farming methods on the rural landscape-This has created as much , if not more , acrimony between farming and environmental interests in recent years , with the destruction of traditional landscape features replacing the extermination of birds of prey as a rallying point for public attention .
27 The importance of the Serbian Church as a rallying point for Serbs , both within and outside the Ottoman empire , can not be too strongly emphasised .
28 As we shall see , this may well have been politically motivated to the extent that the relics of the archbishop so recently and brutally murdered by Cnut 's countrymen were perhaps serving as a rallying point for discontent in the city .
29 Soviet authorities persecuted the Lithuanian Catholic Church more harshly than those in the other Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia — which the Pope is also visiting — because it had become a rallying point against the communist government .
30 From a research point of view , 50 clients in each group would enable some comparisons to be made both within and between areas , although much larger samples would have been preferable .
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