Example sentences of "a [noun sg] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The issue of standards of evidence arises now because of a case just argued before the US Supreme Court over whether data do or do not support the allegation that a drug called Bendectin , once widely prescribed to prevent morning sickness in pregnant women , causes limb deformities in newborn babies .
2 It 's important to take a case just to try , but we 've never won such a case yet .
3 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
4 I 've been retired from playing for five years , although this season I messed about a bit just to keep in touch with what was going on , and I really do think that someone else should have the honour of captaining the team .
5 So this is a digression just gon na whizz through it very quickly , we do n't really need to er , spend much time on it .
6 Funny enough there 's a course just coming downstairs about schools .
7 ‘ I always thought that , you know , a wizard just said the magic words and that was that .
8 ‘ Anyone who 's prepared to use a child as a pawn just to score points in some personal vendetta has to be just about the lowest form of life .
9 The Gift Aid scheme allows charities to claim tax relief on one-off gifts of more than £400 — a change just announced in the Budget .
10 ‘ It was a timebomb just waiting to be ignited , ’ said a source .
11 She 'd gone to visit her parents in Chalatenango and nine armed men in a jeep just drove up and shot her right in front of her parents .
12 An out-of-condition horse ie a horse just brought up from grass and worked too hard , too soon ;
13 It featured no film material , no exterior shooting and nothing whatsoever in the way of visual effects — such a department just did not exist in 1949 .
14 and proposals and I 'd like to start with a vote just to find out what kind of hundred this is , do you have a driving licence ? , button one for yes and button two for no seventy two of this hundred have a driving licence which I think is some way above the National average , let me ask you do you have the use of a car or other vehicle whenever you want it ? , button one for yes and button two for no and of seventy two er licence holders , sixty three have the use of a car which again I think is some way over the National average , now what cars do you have ? , now let see what people are driving here there
15 Erm , we I wo n't be there to invigilate the exam but usually there 's some , I mean if you get stuck and you want a break just stick your hand up , but not everybody cos everybody ca n't go to the toilet .
16 Any normal man would find it a pleasure just to sit still and look at her , drinking her in .
17 Frankly it 'll be a pleasure just to get the hell away from you for a while . ’
18 Splendid buildings with grand entrances and such smart people going in and out that it was a pleasure just to stand and watch them .
19 Those people whose names you 've just , you 've given me their details from , could I ask you er if the next time you see them if it 's within the next few days or certainly erm if , if you could over the next day or two give them a ring just to let them know that I do intend to contact them , I 'll probably contact them within the next week or so .
20 So are you gon na have to restrict training in er operational flights jaguar at a stretch just to stretch out the hours ?
21 Yes , well just a postscript just to show to my earlier comments , I , I think this undertaking about street lighting will be met with some clarity over wide areas of Suffolk which have never seen a street light , er as far as I can recall the last figures I saw on this suggested that if we were to er carry out all the work that er parish is required it would take forty years to er meet the er thing , so perhaps it would be advisable for , for when this promise is acting on the
22 Not getting a reply fast enough came top of the list , especially when you know there must be somebody there , so when there 's a telephone just ringing and nobody answers it .
23 I 've got a ceiling just waiting to be painted . ’
24 A gunman just practising his aim .
25 Then he cried ‘ Daughter ! ’ to a girl just disappearing round a corner .
26 And notwithstanding the invariable belief of these coaches that their own programme-of-the-moment is writ large on a tablet just descended from Heaven , there are no absolutes about which kind of exercises are best to get you fit over a short period of time .
27 She says it 's not enough and everyday is a battle just to survive .
28 A sport just has to be a bit flexible . ’
29 Evans took a taxi out to a forest just to get away from every islander asking him how much he liked the place .
30 Saggar-maker Bill ( almost 90 ) recalls the day a bomb just missed his factory
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