Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In Kinvig v Holland Hannen & Cubbitts [ 1977 ] CLY 373 an interesting situation arose because the plaintiff failed to beat a payment in but had his damages increased on appeal , although still not so as to bear the amount that the defendant had paid into court .
2 Under RSC Ord 22 , r3 or CCR Ord 11 , r3 the plaintiff may accept a payment in as of right within 21 days of receipt of notice of the payment in , provided that the trial has not begun .
3 New the warehousing and distribution system for those odd orders of a base here and a lid there is being introduced in all factories .
4 Accordingly , the investor may seek to include a provision whereby if the investor wishes to sell a specified percentage of the equity , then the other shareholders must follow suit and sell at the same price per share .
5 There is nothing which can be guaranteed to alienate the affections of a statistician more than the surveyor who goes for advice after he has made a mess of sampling and needs someone to get him out of the mess .
6 But in addition to the church 's calling to be the invisible yeast leavening the whole dough and the salt savouring the whole meal , it is also called to be a light placed prominently and strategically upon a lamp-stand so as to light the whole house .
7 She knocks Roberto out , ties him to a chair , and , brandishing a gun , tells her astonished husband she wants a trial here and now .
8 Yet volcanism is predominantly a submarine rather than a continental phenomenon since the outpouring of magma associated with submarine eruptions far exceeds anything witnessed on the continents .
9 Awkwardly and delicately , as if her own arms and hands were unfamiliar tools , she gathered flowerpots on a cleared area of ledge , took a bucket outside and poured away the green standing slime .
10 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
11 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
12 Place a bucket underneath and poke wire about inside to remove blockages
13 This brass is thought to have been made by a Flemish craftsman , and depicts a woman sitting up in a four poster bed with her children around her , and twins in a cradle alongside and at the foot of the inscription Lambarde had inscribed " No lady was more full of reverence towards God than she " .
14 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
15 In none of these cases could it be said that if a person entered the premises and caused a computer to exercise a function so as to reveal information , there had been access via one computer to another .
16 In none of those cases could it be said that , if one entered the premises and caused a computer to exercise a function so as to reveal information , there had been access via one computer into another .
17 This requires all new furnaces other than domestic boilers with a rating less than 55,000 Btu/hr to be , as far as practicable , capable of operating continuously without emitting smoke when burning fuel of a type for which the furnace was designed .
18 Although it is a Kunsthalle rather than a collection , Hamish Fulton 's wall text ‘ Rock Fall Echo Dust ’ decorates the entrance hall and Richard Wentworth and Swiss artist , Anne Sauser-Hall , are making small sculptures to be installed discreetly on the stairwell .
19 Philip 's reluctance to risk battle helps to explain why even so famous a soldier as Richard never fought a battle in Europe , with the possible exception of his " battle " against Vulgrin of Angoulême 's mercenaries in 1176 — but that was probably a slaughter rather than a battle .
20 ‘ I 've got a case here that worries me , and I wondered if there were any parallels . ’
21 He was fourteen years old , intelligent , forceful , capable of listening attentively to his ministers and then overruling them and going his own way , capable , even , or so they said , of arguing a case strenuously and sensibly against the king himself in Westminster , though he seldom won his way there ; but he was still a boy , unpractised , with little experience yet of living .
22 But that can be granted only to a refugee who is seeking asylum on the ground that the Government might have administered a case improperly and not followed its own rules for processing refugees under a United Nations Convention .
23 The most significant difference at the search and investigation stage is that the national press will retain interest in a case only if there is scope for the construction of a sex fiend who continues to wreak havoc on a community .
24 A case now before America 's Supreme Court is drawing attention to such bias .
25 Taking part in moots will help you in these respects , and also give you experience in the art of persuasion , and of putting a case succinctly and intelligibly .
26 ‘ I 'm getting a case together and it 's going in the right direction .
27 The magistrate decided whether to try a case summarily or to set in motion the process of committing it to a superior court .
28 I thought they 'd be wizzing off at one a second but they 're quite a bit slower than that
29 She was able to warn her manager that for a while she might be a bit slower and occasionally a bit tearful .
30 Right what do you put a bit on and then erm dry it with a hairdryer .
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