Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 It was a case of first come , first served .
2 All three players could fetch the required £2m , so it could be a case of first come , first served , with Barton the favourite to go .
3 He declared that , in this situation , it was a case of first things first .
4 ‘ I know a bit about first aid , ’ she protested weakly .
5 He tends to pick on new people a bit at first to bring them into line .
6 Woe betide anyone who breaks a branch without first asking permission of the lunantishee , for they will torment the offender , prodding him unmercifully with their bony white fingers .
7 The proposals were to be put to a referendum after first being considered by the National Assembly .
8 Especially if you are never willing to make a decision without first seeing and perhaps trialling the product . ’
9 A struggle at first , it later brought victories over Yorkshire and Northants , with performances by S.G. Smith ( later of Northants ) , who did the double in all matches , Lebrun Constantine , father of Learie , and George Challenor , with Percy Goodman and A.E .
10 He said : ‘ It was a struggle at first , because when we took over , we discovered that most of the team had left , so we had to find players quickly .
11 ‘ But there are powerful arguments for custody , not as a sentence of first resort but certainly as one weapon in the ‘ armoury ’ .
12 is it a kind of first come , first served sort of
13 The recreation hall is another building used by various organisations , renovated over the years from a building of First World War days ; it also houses a twice weekly library .
14 So , unless there is some once only event going on — such as little green men arriving from outer space — restrain your enthusiasm and take a look round first , especially if the location is completely new to you .
15 It was quite a responsibility at first , but if I was worried about anything there was a Head Gardener called Arthur Godfrey here at Killerton that I could turn to .
16 That makes the investment look like little more than a punt on First Fidelity 's shares — a profitable punt , perhaps , but a punt nonetheless .
17 They analysed nearly 1700 items from a dictionary of first names , looking at the differences between male and female names .
18 It was a full passenger load ; the tourist class was full and Kevin Ryan had just managed to secure a seat in first class .
19 Further transfers from Rainey ( Un ) and Agnew ( UPNI ) in Stages VIII and IX ensured the election of two candidates from VUPP , a party which had only .7 of a quota of first preference votes at Stage I.
20 DUP thus secured a seat after having only .7 of a quota of first preference votes .
21 For Albie , apparently , dealing was just a sideline at first .
22 The East Ridge , first climbed in 1938 by Don Bryant and Lud Mahan , is thought to be affected , and the East Face route description is no longer entirely valid either — what with if falling off — which is a disappointment for first ascensionists Peter Farrell , Don Cowie , Vic Walsh and Lyn Crawford who climbed it in 1961 .
23 A witness without first hand knowledge of the events … can not be challenged in cross-examination in this way and so such evidence … is generally excluded . ’
24 The idea of dropping into the wing office for a gossip on first name terms would be beyond belief .
25 The achievements are especially gratifying for a sector at first regarded as British Rail 's provincial Cinderella , obscure and ill-equipped .
26 Just a chuckle at first , but then it grew , and the images in the scope jostled with the shaking of his shoulder .
27 In any case , you were a child at first with no say in the matter and later , chérie , you were programmed to run . ’
28 It 's simply a question of first come first served , so if you 're coming by yourself I should stake your claim now .
29 On March 19th Banco de Santander , Spain 's brightest bank , bought a stake in First Fidelity , a bank with $28 billion of assets and 550 branches in New Jersey and Pennsylvania .
30 This was despite the inclusion above the line of the £15.9 million profit on the sale of a stake in First Leisure Corporation and a £13.3 million write-down of the investment in BSkyB .
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