Example sentences of "a few [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many European countries worry that the countries of the former Soviet Union , from which only a few emigrants have escaped since the second world war , could revert to their 19th-century role as big exporters of people .
2 Porting a 1.24 million-line C code CAE application to different machines and operating systems , including rewriting the graphics drivers , seems to have taken only about two to three man-months per port for development , and a few man-months to test before shipping .
3 Well she 's certainly got a few glands coming up .
4 ARMED with microscopes , miniature drills and an infinite capacity for taking pains , a few palaeontologists have redrawn their profession 's picture of early life .
5 The atmosphere is good-humoured , with a strong sense of relief that adults can for a few moments get together without thinking of what is to be done next with twenty or thirty demanding , stimulating and occasionally frustrating children .
6 I told him and we reached the CHAB studios with only a few moments to settle Mr Murray before the microphone and be ready for the red light signifying we were ‘ on the air ’ .
7 The interior of her car was a furnace and she frittered a few moments wandering in the graveyard after opening the car doors to cool it .
8 Spend a few moments establishing a slow and regular breathing pattern .
9 If you feel yourself tensing up , then spare a few moments to release that tension and see the difference it can make .
10 I returned to the tractor-path and in a few moments saw Holford House standing before me on a rise .
11 Hazel peered closely into the thick , coarse hair ( a rabbit 's foot has no pads ) and after a few moments saw what he had expected — the oval shank Of a snapped-off thorn sticking out through the skin .
12 I replaced the blanket over his head and stood for a few moments looking at the bodies in their neat little rows .
13 She put away the car , quietly locked the garage door and stood for a few moments looking out over the valley .
14 In the morning Riven lay half awake , listening to the sound of the water close at hand , and for a few moments thought it was a quiet tide outside the bothy .
15 The driver stopped the jeep outside the Saulnier farm for a few moments to say goodbye to the farmer , a very good friend to the Commandos , especially No. 6 Commando .
16 We would then spend a few moments sharing any relevant and deep intuition that had come to any of us , and it was remarkable to see what a full and varied message the daily passage gave us .
17 Another thing we 're going to talk to somebody from the N S P C C who 's coming in in a few moments to talk about Halloween trick or treating and stuff like that .
18 They waited to be told as much , but after a few moments realized with surprise that their hosts were evidently less enthusiastic .
19 He sat there for a few moments inhaling the smoke .
20 He then picked him up and in a few moments had taken Woil back to his cage , put him in , closed the iron gate and secured it .
21 He had only a few moments to decide on what he should do .
22 Dr McNab had Come to the door of his ward for a few moments to watch the heating of the bath-water ; then with a sigh and a shake of his head he had retired inside again .
23 There are the rare cases , as with the bronze and brass Etruscan statuettes described above , where a few moments spent performing a surface analysis can unequivocally solve a problem , which might have remained a stylistic conundrum for ever .
24 Bernice took a few moments break from her search to reach up and snap it off .
25 After a few moments Endill slowly put up his hand .
26 He stood for a few moments thinking , and looking apprehensively from one stallion to the other .
27 He darted down the passage after Twoflower , and after a few moments came to a halt with a groan .
28 She stood for a few moments catching her breath , then continued through to the kitchen .
29 We sat in the jeep for a few moments watching the column as it disappeared along the very dusty road , and was soon out of sight , after passing Sulnier 's farm .
30 She lay for a few moments watching the patterns it made on the ceiling .
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