Example sentences of "a more [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We wish to draw up a family code to protect women 's rights in the home and to ensure that the family becomes a more socialized structure .
2 If the price of achieving justice for offending corporations is a more socialized mode of production , that may be a price worth paying if our lives , limbs , and property are protected from predatory transnational corporations .
3 This ritual of identification was used to preface a more titillating by-line : MY BEDROOM BATTLE WITH THE FOX Pages 23 , 24 and 25 .
4 For all his faults , Lij Yasu was remembered by many as a more comprehensible ruler than Haile Selassie , who failed to conform to the popular image of an Abyssinian monarch .
5 The latter may start from national classifications of occupations such as the American Dictionary of Occupational Titles ( DOT ) and the British Classification of Occupations and Dictionary of Occupational Titles ( CODOT ) , but the counsellor 's suggestions are likely to converge very rapidly into a more comprehensible repertoire of possibilities using evidence about the particular client ( Singleton , 1975 ) .
6 There is a challenge to be faced and the hon. Gentleman would make a more constructive contribution if he played a part in helping instead of trying to score cheap party political points when there is a genuine problem to be tackled .
7 One can only speculate , and surely there 's a more constructive way to spend one 's time ?
8 Finally , rather than stereotyping scientists as capitalist Frankensteins , making monsters for commercial gain , a more constructive approach would be to consider how the allocation of resources can be altered to meet the needs of the public majority rather than those of a minority in power .
9 This would seem to be a more constructive approach than simply locking up individuals .
10 The prince 's intervention prompted the BMA into action and ultimately into a more constructive position on questions relating to complementary medicine .
11 Labour Members do not speak about it much now , and may now be moving in a more constructive direction .
12 Christian-name terms and parity of treatment might ‘ encourage a more constructive dialogue on the topic of ‘ classlessness ’ at work ’ , Martins believes .
13 I am going to vote against the motion , I 'm disappointed with the liberal group not come in with a more constructive amendment or even a proposal , as I would say asked you to do .
14 In this capacity , he also established ties with the Government of Mozambique , and helped in the gradual process by which relations between Mozambique and the EEC were put on a more constructive basis .
15 However , the conflict between modern farming practice and environmental conservation is by no means an irreconcilable one and , although entrenched positions have been taken up on both sides , there are now a few signs of a more sophisticated awareness of the Problems involved and a more constructive desire on the part of both farming organizations and the environmental lobby to overcome them .
16 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
17 Particularly was this so because the British accountancy profession played a more constructive role in the preparatory stages of the two Directives than our professional bodies had hitherto taken in relation to EC proposals .
18 The report also urges the Bush Administration to play a more constructive role in the present round of international negotiations aimed at a treaty on limiting global warming .
19 Union leaders reacted by taking a more constructive role in the policy discussions of the party .
20 ‘ I regret that this whole matter could not have been handled in a more constructive manner . ’
21 Perhaps this is a question all potential Members should ask is whether their party intend to replace this farce with a more constructive alternative .
22 This has a more constructive effect in that the explanation becomes the focus for the other person 's reaction rather than the fact of a disagreement .
23 By this time I had begun to learn braille and a more constructive use of my white stick , other than tripping up people who got in my way .
24 This defines a more restricted concept of style , which may be called STYLE , to distinguish it from the notion of style as linguistic choice in general , STYLE .
25 Besides the interests in land which are known as estates , and which , when they are present estates , give a right to possession of the land , English law , like other systems , recognizes rights of a more restricted kind .
26 In terms of structural characteristics , mothers talking to young children employ shorter sentences , a lower mean length of utterance , more single words , fewer complex sentences and a more restricted vocabulary .
27 These can usefully be viewed as a repertoire from which schools taking a more restricted approach to review could learn a great deal .
28 Portes suggests that UN agencies , using a more restricted definition of informal proletariat , would equate it with the poorest 40 per cent .
29 The publisher had made a decision , no doubt on sound commercial information , about the viability of the book as a course text and decided it should have a more restricted clientele who are in a position to buy a large-format , expensive paperback .
30 In 1961 , there was a more restricted age-range of named victims , from 15 to 34 years ; in 1971 , from 12 to 60 years .
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