Example sentences of "a time [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
2 There was a time when a popular cocktail food was salame ( usually Danish ) rolled round a cream or cottage cheese filling to form a cornet .
3 Quincx Roirbak was taken back twenty years , to a time when a young student had asked him questions with the same expression of need for reassurance .
4 It can be a time when a sensitive friend can make sure the bereaved person is especially thought of , so that they are not alone if they find it hard to be by themselves on those days .
5 There was a time when a few Guernseys were traditionally kept in South Devon dairy herds to boost the fat content of the milk .
6 When he and others advocated extra divisions in the Edwardian period they could not have foreseen that the formation of a Third Division in 1920 would create an extra demand for players of talent at a time when a large part of the male population had been wiped out in a world war .
7 At a time when a skilled worker earned about £2 a week , a footballer could earn up to £8 .
8 At a time when a major trend in large businesses , particularly those operating across national boundaries , is towards decentralisation and the management of the whole as a set of , for example , ‘ core competencies ’ , with very light control at the centre , it would be surprising if companies rushed to put significant resources into global information management .
9 He was a tough and uncompromising player with a hard man image but he was also a supremely loyal competitor who stayed with Leeds at a time when a big money transfer might have been more lucrative .
10 There was a time when a priest had to sneak like a thief through the back streets and alleyways of this city in order to say Mass in some garret or other .
11 Indeed the Director of Kenya 's Institute of Education looks forward to a time when a syllabus may be devised which , in addition to a national ‘ core ’ , has specific defined areas where programmes devised at district or local levels will be developed and implemented .
12 There was a time when a discussion of children 's literature or children 's reading implied a discussion of ‘ good ’ books — and ‘ good ’ books implied fiction , indeed , the ‘ classics ’ of literature .
13 There was a time when a racing driver 's wife or girlfriend clicked the stopwatch in between making the tea .
14 It was a period of remarkable intellectual illumination ; a time when a new idealism and optimism transformed man 's understanding of himself , his society and the universe .
15 He would have liked , Adam knew , to have lived in a time when a father could forbid his son to do things and the son would obey .
16 ‘ The crash happened at a time when a lot of people would have been in their homes . ’
17 ‘ The crash happened at a time when a lot of people would have been in their homes watching TV .
18 Chapters 4 to 6 are art historical , interpreting about 800 years , beginning with a time when a miniaturist copied approved models with almost or actual religious obedience , and ending in a period in the early Renaissance when an illuminator does not even stand up when the Chancellor of France enters the room or when John of Holland can complain that Jacquemart de Hesdin has stolen his private pattern sheets in 1398 .
19 It was a time when a bare ankle could not be shot stepping out of a robe for the implication would be ‘ nakedness ’ , the consequence ‘ sex ’ and the inevitable result — the destruction of the nation .
20 On the subject of granny flats , if you are caring for elderly parents there may come a time when a little bit of outside help could make all the difference .
21 The treaty between Robert II of Flanders and Henry I of England , renewed by their successors , stipulated that each knight supplied to the English king should bring three horses with him — this at a time when a horse represented a major investment .
22 That was a time when a foreign passport offered little defence against arbitrary injustice from the authorities , and the very mention of the Avant-garde artists ' names incurred the risk of repression .
23 The poem which gives us the best insight into knightly and aristocratic life c. 1200 , L'Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal ( the story of William Marshal ) , rarely fails to tell us how much a particular horse was worth : it could be as much as forty , fifty or even a hundred livres — and this at a time when a serf could be bought for ten livres .
24 The ability to manage people is the more necessary at a time when a number of different lay ministries are being encouraged and developed for the conduct of worship .
25 In the years of sharp pruning of public-sector expenditure , and at a time when a comprehensive housing programme embracing improvement , clearance , redevelopment and new building lay beyond the grasp of the Ministry of Health , the most that could be hoped for in the 1920s was the amelioration of a small number of the worst houses .
26 So I came in with an American-made guitar ( the T-60 ) in a case that retailed for 350 dollars at a time when a Les Paul was 1,000 dollars and a Stratocaster over 800 .
27 There comes a time when a karateka wishes to test himself against his peers .
28 I therefore wrote to express the hope that I had not appeared to expect him to intervene ; that I did not necessarily disagree with what he said ; and that my underlying feeling was that the Baldwin government , though apparently trying to get rid of a bad king , might damage the monarchy at a time when a great international crisis seemed to be upon us .
29 Do the Bank want to go back to a time when a male official could not get married until he was earning £150 per annum and by the time he was earning that sum he was past having an interest in marriage .
30 Meetings therefore always took place at five-thirty in the evening , a time when a politician , a lawyer or a captain of industry might be expected to be able to get away from his office for an important private occasion .
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