Example sentences of "a few other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He would have preferred , I knew , to keep them at home , but Ruth , his wife , had overruled him in that , as she did in quite a few other matters .
2 As noted , major users will probably prefer to establish direct links with their databases of choice , but if you 're handling , say 100 credit checks a month , and a few other services ( airline timetables are available on Telecom Gold — solve your boss 's travel problems and got to the top of the class ) , information delivery via Prestel or Telecom Gold could be for you .
3 We have been to a few other Holiday sites/parks , but none came up to the standard of HIGHFIELD HOLIDAY PARK .
4 Even if it be true that the Roman system of water supply survived in Perugia and a few other cities into the Middle Ages and has been believed to be better than anything the modern world has yet provided — in most places water was hard to come by and almost as expensive at times as wine .
5 It should be clear of controlled airspace below 3000ft , cross over a few other roads , through a small town , and have other features such as railways , rivers , canals , lakes , or disused airfields within a mile or two either side .
6 But at times last season I felt it took second place from a few other clubs . ’
7 Oscars can be quite aggressive , I have seen them jaw-lock with quite a few other species of fish , as well as other Oscars .
8 We 'll walk up to Clark 's and Joseph 's to get new batteries for the radio and a few other odds and ends .
9 A few other bird species also show this type of deceptive behaviour .
10 De Monte published some Ronsard sonnet-settings in 1575 , including a beautiful ‘ Le premier iour du moy de may ’ , and a few other chansons , but nothing German despite his long residence at the Imperial court in Vienna and Prague .
11 Is it too much to hope that a few other Merseysiders will study his methods , stop waiting for someone else ( usually the Government or the EC ) to bail them out , and demonstrate similar enterprise ?
12 A few other members of the music world — too embarrassed or well mannered to have left — applauded with him .
13 A few other ministers were involved at a later stage .
14 Margulis 's theory is that mitochondria and chloroplasts , and a few other structures inside cells , are each descended from bacteria .
15 You 're feeling exceptionally lucky so this is the best of times to launch a few other thoughts .
16 Along with a few other consequences , the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia ‘ means my Russian visit is affected . ’
17 It shows that while the UK was in deep deficit in trade with the dollar area , in most years this was added to significantly by the deficit of the rest of the sterling area ( broadly speaking , the Dominions minus Canada , plus the colonies , plus a few other countries like Iraq ) .
18 Fuels made from biomass , like ethanol , from sugar cane , are used in Brazil and a few other countries , but are subject to shortages , sometimes because of drought .
19 A few other countries have ad hoc bilateral agreements with particular neighbours .
20 This in fact became so only because of the policies Wilson adopted in the way of providing arms to the other side , for which there was insufficient compensation from the rather half-hearted support given by the Soviets and by a few other countries to the Biafrans .
21 Mortality statistics of most Western European and a few other countries are being used to develop and test these new measures .
22 A few other countries , especially America , feel the urge to strive towards perfection ploughing literally trillions of dollars into defence programmes such as ‘ Star Wars ’ , ‘ Stealth ’ , ‘ Patriot ’ and many , many , others .
23 The British National Health Service provides free urgent medical care for all residents of European Community countries and a few other countries with whom the UK has reciprocal medical agreements .
24 There are a few other initiatives that , for a capital sum of a few million pounds , hold the prospect of bringing forward such a radical transformation of the immediate circumstances of poorer people , and the extent to which they control their own lives .
25 He made the turn in one under par and was joined in a battle with the Spanish machine Jose Miguel and a few other golfers for the places from third downwards .
26 The charts entitled ‘ One-way channels ’ and ‘ Two-way channels show where people say they currently get their information ; the ‘ Supervisors and Grapevines ’ chart compares your department results regarding these two channels with results from a few other departments .
27 There are a few other gardens in the Trust that would appeal to me after Killerton — places like Sheffield Park , Stourhead and Lanhydrock immediately spring to mind .
28 Add a few other programs and a game or two and even a 100Mb drive is starting to look a little small .
29 Badgers also produce a few other noises that are n't vocal but , none the less , are very badgerish and are often the first sign that one is nearby .
30 Low kicks to the legs are not allowed , but apart from that and a few other rules , kickboxing is similar to the other martial art ring-sports .
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