Example sentences of "and during the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From this time the permanent mass party became the dominant factor in the politics of Western capitalist societies , and during the twentieth century it has spread throughout the rest of the world , though in diverse forms .
2 Ferenc Puskas was Major Puskas and during the 1956 uprising there were reports he had been killed .
3 Returning to our work Sid and I became more and more closely connected with Radio Station 1OAB and during the Annual General Meeting of the association that year I was appointed Programme Director .
4 Visiting locomotives are a main feature of the railway and during the Annual Vintage Day Rally on Sunday , October 11 , a scale replica of 0-4-0T ‘ Cadbury Number II ’ in maroon livery was steaming in to the record books .
5 Therefore the usual periods of calm and quiet in the routine of a building do not exist , for example , outside normal office hours , over the weekend and during the annual holidays .
6 Forty Minutes is following six patients during their two-day crash course in self-healing at the centre and during the nine months after ward .
7 By the eighth century the eastward drift of shingle along the coast had given natural protection to the spread of the salt marsh , and during the 12th and 13th centuries Pevensey Levels gradually changed from saltmarsh to reed and sedge meadows and ultimately pasture .
8 It was the chief town of the ancient viscounty of Soule , both a seat and a strong point , and as such had a stormy time during the protracted wars hereabouts with the English occupiers and during the religious wars of the sixteenth century between Catholics and Protestants .
9 And during the famous siege of Masada , which did not end until A.D. 73 , the garrison of the citadel was commanded by a man named Eleazar , who was also descended from Judas of Galilee .
10 The brewery used horse-drawn drays for beer deliveries in and around the East End , and during the Second World War it was hit hard when a German land mine damaged the brewery stables , killing and injuring many of the horses .
11 Karajan 's response to Honegger 's Symphonie liturgique and its near contemporary , Strauss 's Metamorphosen , of which he made the first recording in 1947 , provides specifically musical evidence of Karajan 's priorities and allegiances that I have yet to see considered by those who have become so concerned to analyse and recycle often erroneous information about his alleged political sympathies before and during the Second World War .
12 Evidently the need to furnish an emerging capital with prestigious works of art remained important throughout antiquity and indeed in more recent times : Rome lost much , though temporarily , from Napoleon 's ambitious plans for embellishing Paris with famous works of art , and during the Second World War many artistic works were transported from Italy to Germany .
13 We always had plenty of vegetables , for my father grew them in the garden , and during the Second World War , had an allotment too .
14 The victim was then hypnotised twice and during the second session he claimed to recognise the accused as the attacker .
15 His first seventeen designs carried the AIR– designation but in 1937 the eighteenth became the Ya–18 and during the Second World War the now well known Yak-prefix came into being .
16 Recently released Home Office papers in fact show that the authorities drew back from prosecuting even the most blatant cases of anti-semitic propaganda both before and during the Second World War despite the fact that it was ostensibly being fought to destroy Hitlerism .
17 And during the second half , Jim will lead the second half .
18 At the end of the Civil War , and during the Second World War , it was relatively easy to persuade people that shortages of food , clothing , fuel and manufactured goods were due , first , to the destruction wrought by the " reds " and , subsequently , to the difficulties resulting from international conflict .
19 A new and successful innovation was the evolution of stemless crinoids — some of these acquired pelagic habits , and during the Cretaceous the genera Marsupites and Uintacrinus ( see p.79 ) were widespread enough to be useful marker fossils .
20 Burakumin were conspicuous in the rice riots which erupted in 1918 , and during the 1920s buraku leaders were drawn into the general upsurge of left wing activism .
21 In 1911 she won a magazine essay competition and went on to write short stories , newspaper articles , and during the 1920s two long series of articles for the Catholic Fireside magazine .
22 The Tremaynes preferred their original country seat of Heligan , near Mevagissey , and during the nineteenth century they made a lot of money , which they lavished on the latter , leaving Croan untouched by architectural fashions .
23 Nelson is flagging appropriate titles in its catalogue as ‘ self-access ’ , there are one or two new publishing names dipping toes in the swirling waters of EFL , and during the close season there have been some author-transfers , including David Vale from CUP to Heinemann and Alan Maley to Penguin .
24 They provided the citizens with a wide variety of fresh fish for its fast days and during the close seasons they exploited all the resources of the riverside that they could utilize .
25 The blood of circumcision served as a symbolic surrogate for the blood of childbirth , and because it was shed voluntarily and in a controlled manner , it transcended the bounds of nature and the passive blood flow of the mother at delivery and during the preparatory cycle for pregnancy , menstruation .
26 Picasso was also throughout his life astonishingly prolific and during the Cubist years produced between three and four times as many works as Braque .
27 But communist and other militants were active , especially in the railway workshops , and during the 1960s they managed to organize industrial action , put up their own candidates for elections within the vertical union framework , and published a sporadic newssheet ( Martino de Jugo 1980 ; Bulnes 1967 ) .
28 We cross the Blue Ridge Parkway and , just beyond the town of Abingdon , find ourselves travelling on the Trail of the Lonesome Pine itself , which was named not after a Laurel and Hardy song but after the ‘ underground railway ’ route which helped escaping slaves escape before and during the Civil War .
29 They did not halt the process of change , and the riots only assumed major proportions in times of wider crisis , such as in 1549 and during the Civil Wars .
30 The ice accumulation rate doubled during the first aborted Older Dryas/Allerod shift and during the final successful Younger Dryas/preboreal shift from glacial to interglacial conditions .
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