Example sentences of "and went through the " in BNC.

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1 After a couple of minutes Phoebe recovered her breath ; she pushed herself off the wall with her hands and went through the stairwell doorway into the green-painted corridor .
2 I decided to give the authorities the slip and went through the bathroom window of the hotel and got myself lost in Moscow .
3 I tipped all the lotions from the bathroom into my rucksack , then tossed in the little wicker basket , too — well , why not ? — and went through the room harvesting matchbooks , stationery and all the other items that were either complimentary or portable .
4 She paid off the cab at Bart 's Hospital , and went through the main entrance .
5 He rose from his desk and went through the anteroom into Shirley 's office .
6 In the senior ladies/junior men 's section , seeded with the hardest handicap of - 10 , Amanda Langridge and Andrew Oxton ( Hammer/Eagles ) overcame the large score difference at the beginning of most games , and went through the section unbeaten , to win the trophy for the first time .
7 Many people took this game of make-believe to fantastic lengths and went through the whole elaborate business of a preparation for escape without the slightest real intention of ever carrying it out .
8 According to Morgan , when he challenged Docherty , The Doc denied being the source of the story and went through the deceptive rituals of ringing the journalist to complain .
9 I nodded and went through the crowd towards the dome car .
10 I pulled out to starboard and went through the gate ( boosted the engine to the maximum ) .
11 He did n't even knock but just walked right in and went through the house looking to see if we had anything of value to part with before we could receive any relief .
12 Randy was not wearing his seat belt and went through the plane 's windscreen .
13 ‘ They said his name was Simon so I punched it into the computer and went through the alphabet for burglars .
14 Peter sat down on the leather sofa , which was as uncomfortable as it looked , and went through the folder .
15 The two men rose and went through the minister 's anteroom into his main office .
16 On another occasion she climbed over dustbins and went through the fire exit of a Knightsbridge store , while once she and Carolyn abandoned her car and jumped on a red double decker bus to evade photographers .
17 We lay on the hard , orange clay and went through the different procedures that we would use when we went off to fire on the shooting range .
18 I took the painting and went through the cocktail bar and down the steps to the other deck and left the boat that way .
19 I yanked out my wallet and went through the credit slips and travellers " -cheque dockets .
20 ‘ We had the field to ourselves for 14 years , and went through the peak of the market in 1989–90 .
21 ‘ I hastily fitted it up and went through the pretence because I did n't want him knowing where I really live . ’
22 On legs that moved numbly and automatically , she climbed the back stairs again and went through the kitchen back to the party .
23 ( The Beans always came and went through the kitchen . )
24 The visiting party , including an HMI in attendance , was horrified , dropped their agenda for the second day and went through the problems as they had perceived them with the management group and the Academic Board :
25 I took a wineskin and went through the alleys and byeways of Leicester to Greyfriars Church .
26 I knelt down and went through the dead man 's clothing .
27 I waited a minute or so then got up , leaving my almost clean plate , and went through the house to the lounge , where I could see the path leading away through the dunes towards the bridge .
28 I skulked down one side of the garden and went through the arch which led me to a walled garden in the middle of which there was a fountain playing .
29 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
30 Some how it clipped and swerved and went through the hedge and smashed up .
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