Example sentences of "and going to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Living here with you and Auntie Lou , and going to Druid 's Bottom , and getting the hay in , and listening to Hepzibah 's stories .
2 Her garden and going to church ?
3 Diana loves dressing up , wearing priceless jewels , and going to film premiéres
4 Rather different is the question of the other processes between setting type and going to press .
5 I was just a little kid , living at home and going to school — fifteen , but boy it was real exciting .
6 Erm while your children were here and going to school in , in and all that , did they have any instruction from , from the temple , any extra tuition in anything ?
7 We used to all wear pinnies , white pinnies , on the top of our dresses and going to school and I used to go into old Mr n and he would say to me And what colour of the bow do you want on your pinny today ?
8 She flew back to Lima and wrote to all her clients telling them not to expect any more craft goods : she was quitting and going to work in the jungle .
9 Once you feel more able to control symptoms we can set about confronting situations that you have been avoiding , such as meeting people and going to work .
10 Now from being at school , enjoying yourself and enjoying yourself , and , and going to work , did you feel differently ?
11 Alright alright alright , I 'm turning off and going to work .
12 • Advance your meal times by the same amount as you change your times of getting up and going to bed .
13 • Change your meal times to fit in with your delayed times of getting up and going to bed .
14 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
15 In addition , a quarter of the principal carers provided daily help with getting up , washing face and hands , and going to bed ; the majority also helped with shopping , enabling the sufferer to go out , finances , washing , ironing and house cleaning .
16 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
17 Times of meals , flexibility about times of rising and going to bed .
18 The Consumers ' Association magazine Which ? said Britons , who spend £63 million a year on cough medicines , would better off using tried and tested methods such as inhaling steam and going to bed early .
19 In June , it was n't getting dark till midnight , and we 'd be sitting about talking , not releasing what time it was , and going to bed at four in the morning when it was starting to get light again . ’
20 Gillian and I were falling in love and you 'd think we 'd have wanted to be by ourselves all the time , gazing into one another 's eyes and holding hands and going to bed together .
21 The blinds of the houses were always drawn to different levels , since each of the rooms was let to a different lodger , and their times of getting up and going to bed were different .
22 All I can remember was that everything was uncomfortable , especially getting up and going to bed .
23 A year ago , he might even have considered signing the pledge and going to bed at six .
24 He mentioned the ‘ war games ’ : such as the capturing of a fire-engine ; the cutting of telephone wires ; the jape of climbing unseen into a baker 's van and reconnoitring the town as the baker innocently made his rounds ; and penetrating the docks and going to sleep on a submarine .
25 However , it 's always nice to be asked , and since so much of life consists of filling in that essentially dull period between waking up and going to sleep , it 's quite exciting to be wooed in the form of a tempting jaunt-ette to parts foreign .
26 Using ancient techniques , they teach you how to make love for hours ( does n't that take away the man 's fun of rolling over and going to sleep after 45 seconds ? ) .
27 I just remember them wheeling me down to this room and going to sleep .
28 Sprawled and going to sleep .
29 Du n no probably going home and going to sleep .
30 You 're going home and going to sleep ?
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