Example sentences of "and going [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , as Cusick maintained , once the audience had seen people coming and going through a stone doorway they would subconsciously assume the rest of the set to be stone as well .
2 I think of people , grand old British artists , like Turner for example , going on grand tours and coming back to Britain and going through , as it were , a period of painting where he is influenced by what he 's seen and heard and experienced in Europe , and then more latterly I think of France as being , Paris as being the centre of art and British artists going and spending their period in Paris and coming back and going through an impressionist or an expressionist phase .
3 But the picking up strikes a chord and going through the motions always works .
4 Moreover , disc junkies are said to spend hours happily bending over and going through the layers of CDs , are always hunting for a bargain and collectable item , and seldom believe in paying the full listed price .
5 But my , my view would be that I would er you know investigate this fully and er come forward with a recommendation , but that er my own er thought would be , and I I now take your thoughts , that we should not get ourselves erm launched into a very big , massive erm you know operation of advertising this franchise afresh and going through the whole procedure .
6 Soon , the two of them were ready and going through the front door .
7 At the Snack Shack , chef Kevin Polson , 24 , admits to having seen a fair bit of violence , ranging from someone pulling a gun on him to rugby fans forming a scrum in his shop and going through the glass counter .
8 Snack attacks : chef Kevin Polson has seen a fair bit of violence , ranging from someone pulling a gun to rugby fans forming a scrum in his shop and going through the glass counter
9 Well somebody said to me , when I get to traffic lights instead of turning right and going through the bar I turn left and go , as if I 'm off up to North Cross .
10 But I mean i i certainly if you go through the , the early bits erm I mean i i i if you take well okay the , the organization bit to begin with , but then hitting the landlords politically er you know y you 're , you 're checking their accounts , you 're imposing their fines when they 've been a bit naughty , you 're letting contributions erm you 're crowning them and going through the streets , you 're locking them up , you 're banishing some of them , you might be executing some of them but i it 's , it 's only specifically where they 've offended against your , your view of the moral economy , where they , where they 've sort of been naughty in terms of
11 Erm I went er at the end of September and I did white water rafting , going down in a raft er seven to a boat , and going over the rapids wearing a
12 And I 've thought about buying a , a me erm a metal detector and going up and going over the where the kirkyard was because when there were was here that was in about sixteen oh it might have been about sixteen sixty or sixteen eighty .
13 It looks better for going around most of the edges and going over the grass .
14 Even when there was not a conflict of jurisdiction , there would often be much coming and going between the courts to ensure that the various aspects of a complex case were handled in unison ( see pp. 414 f . ) .
15 ‘ Oh , Mum , ’ said Camille , cool with the confidence of the adolescent who knows that the rules of mortality , the risks inherent in living and going about the world , do not apply to her .
16 There was a long pause from my point of view , while the lights began flickering in the office and the train exceedingly slowly reversed , before stopping again and going into a sudden jerk .
17 Other animals avoid the difficulties of winter by reducing their metabolic rate even further and going into a state of torpor or hibernating .
18 Yes , it was rather apt , and going into the cold little room where the piano stood , I played it over — stiffly , and with many mistakes — the words , nevertheless , bringing their own gloomy comfort .
19 ‘ Because I come from a booky family , in some ways I 've taken writing for granted — it 's like coming from a family of butchers and going into the meat trade .
20 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
21 But it was easier to believe in the impossible when you were tucked up in bed and half-asleep , than when you were walking the wet , comfortless streets , and the bloke you loved was on a bus going in the opposite direction , staring hopelessly out of the window , and wondering how on earth he was ever going to marry you , with no savings and going into the Army next week and a widowed mother who imagined herself an invalid and hated you for taking away her son .
22 ‘ Champagne , hot scented baths , Sibelius , tiny kittens , very , very , very expensive underwear that you hardly know you 're wearing , and skiing at night and going into the big stores on fifth Avenue and trying on all the three-hundred-dollar dresses and shoes and then saying that I do n't like any of them — I do that quite often — and … ’
23 We are worried at the emotional impact on the children if bodies are coming and going into the church to be washed .
24 Well I remember an Oxford aircraft over-flying the airfield and crashing in blocking the lane and going into the hedge on the other side , into Gingers Yard .
25 One they were going into a pub , and going into the toilets , you know , making a , so he had a a policeman waiting in and the toilets , for them you see , and the o one other , notable occasion he was seen chasing them down the main street in Morley , he got his cape on , you see ,
26 We , do you remember going down to Pedelow , and going under the pier .
27 In addition , during the ‘ Hundred Years War ’ which began in 1338 it meant there was a constant coming and going across the county by a not particularly well disciplined soldiery .
28 If honourable members would in fact stick to the debate in that particular way and in fact er er it would be of great advantage of the house it is a short debate er and and going off the the main scope of the debate in fact leaves less time for other people to speak .
29 So at eight o'clock that evening , Bathsheba found herself , in spite of her doubts , climbing the hill near her house and going down the other side .
30 He bent to kiss her and before she could recover he had pulled the sheets over her and walked out , closing the door and going down the stairs as softly as he had come up .
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