Example sentences of "and down the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A black and vicious claw burst through the woodwork of the door with an explosive crash that echoed up and down the staircase like thunder .
2 She went along the landing and down the staircase , still in a waking dream , crossing the hall and seeing Penman there , waiting to open the drawing-room door for her , as if it was someone she was watching perform , not herself but another being altogether .
3 ‘ They run up and down the organisation carrying messages and information and in the past we 've had lots of them because it was the only way of passing information .
4 Information was designed to flow up and down the organisation to ensure that all decentralised objectives were compatible with , and a part of , the total corporate objective .
5 The simplest approach is to look at it as a device that moves your weight up and down the board .
6 The sliding device that enables the mast foot to be moved up and down the board .
7 Lights were running up and down the board .
8 ‘ Sir John , ’ Athelstan persisted , ‘ it 's not far — a few miles through Aldgate and down the Mile End Road .
9 Just before we packed up and got aboard the truck , I piped up and down the beach for a few moments .
10 On either side of the steep trail down again , at the end of the hill , grazing ponies lined the track — presumably filling in time between summers , when they earn their living giving children rides up and down the beach .
11 He swept his friends into his arms and the shouting multiplied and reverberated on and on , up and down the beach and through the distant war-broken theatre of Salamis .
12 The next night Geoffrey Appleyard went in alone , and after scouting round for the two agents he was to meet , he abandoned all caution , running up and down the beach shouting for them and waving his torch .
13 HALEMA STAYED FOR three days , just long enough for her round figure bobbing up and down the beach to become familiar , long enough for the affection she exuded to be returned tenfold .
14 If the wave front approaches parallel to a coastline sand and shingle merely move up and down the beach , but under the more usual conditions of oblique approach the movement is not quite so simple .
15 The overall volume of transport decreases both up and down the beach from this zone .
16 We all left , going through the kitchen , out across the courtyard and down the trackway to the church .
17 At one point in Maus II , Vladek 's wife Anja plays a murderous game of hide-and-seek , chased up and down the bunk beds of a vast , empty Auschwitz barracks by a guard reduced in close-up to a pair of vicious piggy eyes above a snarling snout ( Poles are pigs in a world where Jews are mice efficiently exterminated by German cats ) .
18 Our expert tasters , the million cuppa men — they 've all drunk a million cups of tea — go up the northbound carriageway and down the south and assess all on their qualities .
19 Once , on a tour of the Middle East , the gentlemen of the orchestra were watching him swim — cigar in place — up and down the hotel pool .
20 Throughout the match rumour of a reprieve had chased up and down the stand .
21 The belly was covered in long piercing spikes , and I was going to fall on them any minute , and thousands of spikes would plunge into me — puncture me , penetrate my flesh — and out would pour my life 's blood , red and sticky , all down my body and down the elephant 's body and streakily into the waters of the pond .
22 Pulling the cover up over her mother 's shoulders , Maura crept from the room and down the stain .
23 The two great detectives prowled up and down the village street dogged by the two official policemen .
24 Secrets are not confined to the great houses of antiquity : Mr Merdle in Little Dorrit has his own new secrets , and is uneasy beneath the eye of his butler in his new London palace : ‘ He would have clasped himself by the wrists in that constabulary manner of his , and have paced up and down the hearth-rug , or gone creeping about among the rich objects of furniture , if his oppressive retainer had appeared in the room at that very moment . ’
25 The present occupant may say ‘ Oh well , I let old Mrs Smith walk through my garden and down the sideway when she needs to ’ and regard it as no more than a neighbours ' agreement .
26 His hearty voice was soon familiar to and popular with many thousands of listeners up and down the west coast and he invariably ended his broadcasts with a special Good-Night wish to a different section of the community each evening , such as to June brides , to lighthouse keepers ‘ out there in the dark ’ , or to all dentists who might be ‘ looking down in the mouth ’ .
27 If a character does fall , a second successful I test is required ( Acrobatics +10 , Scale Sheer Surface +10 ) to avoid sliding off the path and down the scree-slope , taking D3 S 1 hits in the process and coming to rest 2D10 yards away .
28 Crouched low to the ground , Zambia fled across the yard and down the alley at the back .
29 He wrote : ‘ It is like a vast supermarket in which absentmindedly , yet intent on what we are doing , we push our shopping trolleys up one aisle and down the other , while death and alienation have the run of the place . ’
30 A quick glance up and down the wharf showed no sign of Cliff Barrett .
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