Example sentences of "and on to the " in BNC.

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1 I got up and walked quickly out of the coffee shop , up over the footbridge and on to the other platform — jumping on to the train just as it was about to go .
2 Since the causal chain passes through perception and on to the rest of the nervous system , perhaps triggering action , it must become physical again .
3 These would include the arguments of the major poet-critics of the past : Sidney , Jonson , Dryden , Johnson , and on to the Romantics , Victorians , and modernists .
4 We pedalled eastwards , first past the new Royal Palace — a weird , menacing building with bats hanging in the trees like handbags — and on to the great domed stupa , or Buddhist monument , of Bodnath .
5 The Commando Officer shook hands with the gunners and we waved our farewells as we drove along the narrow path and on to the road .
6 At about 7.30 p.m. , after two and a half hours ' sleep curled up on the floor of the trench , I made my way out of the orchard and on to the road .
7 I felt a strange sensation in my stomach as I made my way down the sloping gangway and on to the tarmac , If I had felt like this on the morning of the 6th June , Lord Lovat would probably been going ashore without his bagpipe music .
8 I was proud and delighted when Shimi Lovat invited me to join him as piper , and later , on the morning of 6th June , to pipe his 1st Commando Brigade through the surf and on to the Normandy beaches , where so many men were killed or seriously wounded .
9 For those who wish to take a car close and then walk to the top of the hill without too much difficulty , take the A836 to Loch Loyal near Lettermore and climb straight into the corrie Loch Na Creige Riabhaich and on to the main summits .
10 secondly , pursuing untrustworthy promoters or record companies , if necessary through the courts and on to the enforcement of judgements , deters other business people from trying to get rich at the expense of musicians .
11 Access to Viti is through the power station grounds and on to the road 's end , although with the late spring the road was just another snow field .
12 He climbs up a ladder and on to the roof .
13 Herr Nordern followed Bodo into the vestibule and on to the landing .
14 Karl tucked Erika 's arm under his as they crossed the bridge over the green , splintered ice of the Spree which formed a chill moat around the great museums , by the great dome of the Protestant Cathedral , and on to the broad stretch of Unter den Linden .
15 ‘ He was one of my boys , ’ she said in explanation to the CID sergeant who was leading the party as they bumped over the rough road , through the thick mud and on to the dry embankment .
16 Who else would follow a lump of iron ore from Mount Newman in Western Australia all the way to a Japanese smelter and on to the Nissan showrooms in California ?
17 One night he went to her house , poured paraffin through the letter-box and on to the front door , and set it alight .
18 If the tractor hit an obstruction there was no much to stop the driver falling forwards and on to the rotor blades .
19 These can quickly and easily be removed from their individual compartments and on to the pricking out stage .
20 For five weeks the sisters zoomed around Europe and on to the States .
21 By the time Elisabeth was out of the Hall and on to the terrace , the guests at The Tamarisks were all frozen in shocked suspension , their forks lifted half-way to their mouths , their faces pale , their palms clammy .
22 Afterwards , the actor was swept from the courtroom and along the corridors , closely pursued by screaming fans and on to the court steps , where he said in a prepared statement : ‘ This has not been a case about homosexuality and I resent any suggestion that it was .
23 Then he visits La Famiglia before driving back up the King 's Road and on to the Caprice .
24 The Arts : High art and on to the next disc
25 Our long-term aim is to shift the burden of taxation away from the things the country needs more of — income , savings and value added — and on to the things we want less of , such as pollution and resource depletion .
26 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
27 The catamaran shook its bows against the swell , then she was through the wind and on to the other tack with the sails drawing sweetly .
28 The oil is getting into the wheel bearings and forcing grease past the oil seal and on to the brake shoes .
29 On leaving the gallery , turn right through the passage and on to the Powder Bridge from where there is a wonderful view of the 15C fortifications built by the architect Benedikt Ried of Piesting and of the towering cathedral .
30 Starting at 6am , a team of 20 ‘ sherpas ’ carried tanks , valves , drysuits and other equipment , though the tortuous lower entrance to King Pot and on to the downstream sump .
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