Example sentences of "and on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In talks at The Hague on Oct. 4 , chaired by Lord Carrington , agreement appeared to have been reached between Croatia and Serbia on lifting the blockade of army barracks and on including the Serbian minority in Croatia in future talks .
2 From Cardiff the route snakes up through the valleys south of Caerphilly , over the Ebbw River , through the Ebbw Forest and on via the mining town of Risca to Pontypool .
3 The nearest approach , perhaps , is the long belt of deltas extending today , from the Ganges in eastern India , via the Brahmaputra , the Irrawaddy and the Sittang , to the rivers of the Gulf of Siam and on via the Mekong to the Sang-koi and Si-kiang rivers of southern China .
4 As he moved away past the fifteen hundredweight and on down the line , his receding words of assurance were interrupted by warning shouts .
5 She stamped past me and on down the corridor .
6 Their guides took them by a route well to the west of the main Annandale road , round the hill of Trailtrow , although they did not see it , avoiding the Brydekirk area , and on down the winding valley of a small stream running south-eastwards .
7 Even when , halfway through the morning he broke out with , ‘ Well , there 's no need for you to keep on and on about the table , ’ I did not point out that I had said nothing , that it was he who was ‘ going on and on about it ’ inside himself .
8 They go on and on about the nails . ’
9 The newspaper are going on and on and on about the problems that people have road and road .
10 She was anxious at the long absence of her visitor , and at the voices , her mother 's voice in particular , sounding on and on through the afternoon .
11 Away from the prying eyes of the world , the newlyweds sailed the Aegean and Ionian Seas and on through the Suez Canal .
12 Only when it has been chewed up almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen , and on through the gut .
13 We wandered past the Delhi Gate and on through the crumbling streets of Old Delhi ; as we went , Pakeezah stared sadly around her .
14 Since last year 's season of tests , one cyclone , Reva , has swept right across the atoll and on over the nearby Gambier islands .
15 Narrowing my eyes against the Atlantic glitter I could see the line of a path that climbed from the bay and on over the headland to the west .
16 I made my way down into the tube station and on towards the Circle Line .
17 Just beyond the church is a track which leads back out of the bay and on towards the soaring cliffs of Fair Head .
18 An invisible line ran past the corner , left at the second gas-lamp , straight as truth across the grass beside the upright sleepers that lined the railway track , and on towards the enemy territory of the Baltic Fleet .
19 He thought only of a water pipe , a narrow metal pipe that carried water away from the compound and under the wire and the high wooden fence and on towards the two-storey barracks and the kitchens and dormitories of the guards .
20 With UN approval MacArthur pursued them across the parallel and on towards the Yalu River which marked the border with Communist China .
21 She watched him ride on , past the lilacs , past the green door and on towards the main gate to the farmyard .
22 Pepper and Jack carried Bunty through the doors into the wings and on into the Property Room , a cavern of furniture and baskets of props , rich with the smell of dust and old beer .
23 Sports Editors fretted and printers fumed as the match went on and on into the British night , with Milligan winning the 17th by chipping in , to go to all square .
24 After a while I left the family room and wandered through the great central hall and on into the far side of the house , into Perkin 's workroom .
25 In the 1880s Glasgow 's Victorian prosperity was approaching its peak , and the noon-tide of Empire was to witness the arrival of electricity , the cable subway and the electric trams , photography , St Andrew 's halls , the Great Exhibition of 1888 , 1901 , and on into the new century , hospitals , bridges , effort and endeavour .
26 By midnight it 's really rocking and on into the early hours of the morning we adjourn to one of the best discos in Faliraki , Set Disco , where 18–30 Social members can get special discounts .
27 Increased mobility has reduced the feeling of attachment to neighbourhoods ; the redevelopment of old housing estates in the 1950s and on into the 1970s broke up established communities .
28 Yanto walked through the front porch of the pub and on into the flagstoned lobby .
29 He turned left in the village of Wanswell and blasted the bike over the slight pitch and on into the twisty overgrown lanes that led to the village of Purton .
30 Trucks would come hurtling down the hill , their brakes would fail , and they 'd plough right through the wall and on into the field beyond .
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