Example sentences of "and because [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Even if there is , it will not be legally enforceable under English law because there will be no valuable consideration and because under the so-called rule in Milroy v. Lord ‘ there is no equity to perfect an imperfect gift . ’
2 It seems likely that the Reformation may have contributed to this dramatic rise in prosecutions — which some historians have labelled a ‘ witch-craze ’ — both because the new climate of religious strife led to a general heightening of fears and suspicions , and because without the protective magic of Catholicism , many individuals felt themselves more vulnerable in the face of malevolent forces , and thus more impelled to take action against them .
3 They usually incorporate internal steel members for extra strength , and because of the relatively large cross-section of the various stiles and rails they can make an appropriate replacement for many older-style houses with timber windows .
4 Britain was bound to become a place of paralysing congestion in some parts , of miserable underdevelopment in others , a place of inefficiency , and because of the refusal to make public investment , a place of considerable danger too , for the travelling public and people working in those industries as we have seen so tragically demonstrated . ’
5 I would say rather that , both despite and because of the obvious and considerable differences , post/modernism is helping us to understand again what the early modern period already knew but in a quite different form : identity is essentially informed by what it is not .
6 The felling , trimming , cutting , absorbed him completely and because of the ferocity of the running chain it demanded his undivided attention .
7 My family moved to Britain , and because of the distance and the expense I could not visit them .
8 Owing to the delays that had occurred since the marketing studies were made in 1983 and because of the attractiveness of the finished scheme , it was found that considerably higher prices could be obtained for the flats than had been originally foreseen .
9 Last year 's results were lower because of the national postal strike and because of the pay increases , the Post Office said .
10 They may lose both because of missed interest payments and because of the legal fees that have to be paid from the firm 's shrunken assets .
11 Because this was a Thursday and he had never thought of going out on a Thursday before , and because of the previous Saturday night , coming back to collect the washing .
12 It will mainly be because they have been in office a long time , and because of the recession .
13 The Plowden Report recommended that ‘ Schools with an age range of 5–11 should usually have at least three classes , each covering two age ranges ’ , but by 1976 Lady Plowden , the chairman of the Committee producing the report , appeared to have altered her views , stating in a Border Television broadcast : ‘ Since the report I have come round to thinking that small country schools should be kept open because of the social value and because of the continuity of community involvement they provide . ’ )
14 Because greater openness increasingly characterizes many social relationships and because of the other changes taking place within the institution of adoption , open adoption , adoption with contact and even shared parenting are likely to become a more permanent feature within the institution of adoption .
15 This seasonal element in warfare persisted as late as the nineteenth century , but in the period of Charles it was often impossible to wage war in the winter , both because of the weather , and because of the basic necessity to harvest crops in autumn for survival of the people .
16 Because the recoils result from direct collisions of projectile ions , recoiled particles have high , discrete kinetic energies , and because of the energetics of the collisions , molecular fragments are not observed as direct recoils and their energies are independent of their chemical bonding environment .
17 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
18 Because of the early efforts to contain and isolate mentally handicapped people and because of the lack of distinction between the mentally handicapped and those who may be mentally ill , possibly dangerously so , considerable fears have spread through society about people who live in asylums and ‘ loony bins ’ .
19 ‘ It took her six years to mention the second child to me , and because of the way she 's been towards me , I 've never had an avenue to find out whether he was my son or not . ’
20 The schools , because of their size and because of the problems presented by pupils of all abilities coming from all kinds of backgrounds , needed to pay attention to problems of ‘ pastoral care ’ .
21 There is a need , above all , for an environment in which a fledgling ( or established ) business will feel comfortable and wish to remain , because of local amenities and because of the availability of a healthy , happy , well-equipped workforce .
22 The industry grew up in the Lake District because there was a demand for gunpowder in the slate quarries and copper mines of the region , and because of the ready availability of birch and alder for charcoal and fast flowing becks to drive the machinery in the area .
23 Ever-changing regulations cause stress both because of the need to become familiar with new rules and because of the sensitivity needed to cope with clients who may be worse off after the changes .
24 As Hall ( 1987 ) concludes , possibly because of the decentralization of information-processing functions from London to Bristol and Cardiff , and because of the separate financial , institutional and political complexes in the provincial capitals of Cardiff and Edinburgh .
25 His suit-case was heavy , and because of the heat he was forced to carry his overcoat .
26 Soricid mandibles ( and skulls ) are more common , and because of the differences in mandibular anatomy , they break in a different way from rodent mandibles : the ascending ramus is composed of thickened bars of bone , with thinner bone in between , and it is these thinner areas that are broken initially , producing holes in the ramus ( Fig. 3.14 I-J ) while leaving the processes intact .
27 The new developments in information skills are still primarily research-led and because of the slowness of dissemination and take-up of work based on research it is not clear what the impact will be of this work on library practice .
28 The nuclear programme , because of its sudden appearance and because of the passions it arouses , has encountered its greatest obstacle in people .
29 Leeds , in 1981 , was dominated by large areas of mugwort and wormwood , and because of the proliferation of this genus deserves to be known to botanists as ‘ Artemisia City ’ .
30 ‘ Perhaps this is because I am American and because of the strong equal opportunities laws in the US , which protect women and encourage companies to promote women to executive positions . ’
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