Example sentences of "and not [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When life seems ordinary St James encourages us to wait patiently and joyfully for Christ 's coming and not to lose heart .
2 The Gulf War , the re-alignment of Eastern Europe , the breakup of the USSR , the Middle East and not to mention Africa and South America given little support for anyone to disagree with SwissRe 's view .
3 As numerous fitted-up Irishmen can bear witness , and not to mention James Hanratty and others , were they able to speak from the grave , hallowed British justice is a myth .
4 The grant was established two years ago to kick-start developments and not to replace funding of existing services .
5 Bourdillon 's figure for this was ‘ the annual provision of not less than 250 volumes for lending and reference purposes per thousand population ’ , but the figure is not as uncomplicated as it seems , since it refers only to new books and not to stock revision ( for which no standard was given ) .
6 Moreover it recognizes its duty to make such publications accessible to the public at large , and not to restrict access on any grounds other than legal .
7 He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable .
8 The scheme is said to have the backing of the Royal Warrant Holders ' Association and not to need permission from the Palace .
9 He wanted people to get on with the urgent business of living the good life set out in the Eightfold Path , and not to waste time or energy in speculation and debate .
10 In June 1682 Louis XIV , now at the height of his power , explicitly asserted his right to correspond with all foreign sovereigns in French and not to use Latin ; and though the treaty of Ryswick between France and the Holy Roman Empire in 1697 was still in Latin most of the discussion which produced it was in French , as was the Franco-Dutch agreement of the same year .
11 Visitors are being asked to be on their guard against fire and not to use stoves ; to dispose of cigarette ends and matches carefully and immediately report any sign of fire to the fire brigade .
12 In Cigaro ( Glasgow ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1983 S.L.T. 549 it was held not to be a breach of natural justice to hear only submissions and not to allow evidence to be led , where this was the practice of the licensing board .
13 It will be emphasised to employers that the purpose of the exercise is to provide opportunities for young people to learn about and through work and not to perform tasks which would otherwise be done by paid workers .
14 There is a strong determination to put it right this time and not to let things slip .
15 We 'd like them to say that the laws like the 1986 public order act , which after all was introduced to combat football hooliganism , and not to control people 's sexuality , should not be used to drag lesbians and gay men before the courts simply for showing their love for each other .
16 ‘ I in no way dissent from this reasoning , but I should myself have been content to derive the same conclusion from the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or in paragraph ( a ) upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
17 ‘ the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or … upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
18 To preserve the image and integrity of the profession and to build bridges between the existing gaps in our service it is necessary to unite and not to create divisions with personal prejudices .
19 The upstairs lighting circuit is laid out on the floor of the loft , taking care not to put it under any loft insulation ( where it could overheat ) , and not to put junction boxes where they could be damaged by careless feet .
20 It is important not to soak potatoes , as this leaches out the vitamin , and not to overcook cabbage and other green vegetables , as heat gradually destroys Vitamin C. Rosehip tea is also an excellent source of this vitamin , as is fresh lemon juice , which is permissible on this diet as it contains little sugar .
21 A defence of this kind , a claim that the purpose was only to frighten and not to cause harm , requires the full definition to be put to the jury .
22 I ask my colleagues therefore to rest on the position that the way in which we coordinate our decision is a matter internal to Government and not to answer questions about the Cabinet Committee system .
23 Now I have my lovely mate , I have schooled myself to be neither malicious nor miserable , and not to hate People .
24 Thereafter all rectal excisions have included the mesorectum , care being taken at the pelvic brim to identify and preserve the pelvic nerves and not to enter Dennonvilliers fascia during the anterior rectal dissection .
25 Perhaps his greatest asset is his ability to let the story tell itself , and not to embroider description with implicit or explicit conclusions .
26 We believe first of all the shock troops of the Labour Movement , the Radicals within the Liberal Party , the forces who want peace and not to become doormats for Hitler and Chamberlain to walk upon , and the members of the Left Book Club — have all to engage in organised effort to bring about Unity .
27 King Hassan declared on Feb. 13 that the troops sent to Saudi Arabia were there " to defend the soil of a fraternal Arab state and not to commit aggression against another fraternal Arab state " .
28 Well I I 'll tell him when you 're on nights and not to phone John and I 'll go and phone him like yesterday .
29 Neither of them mentioned anything that had been said during the night ; they just agreed to head back to civilisation and not to mix whisky and cannabis like that again .
30 This evidence can then be used to modify the contract or allow it to terminate and not to offer renewal .
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